Only have lite weights, Help!!!



I'll try again. Had this question on "Ask Cathe" and no one answered. That's ok, I will ask everyone. Would like to know more about the difference between Strength training and Endurance Strength training. Is there such a distinction? You know, heavy weight with less reps or lite weight with more reps. My Physical Therapist told me about this along time ago but I can't remember what he said. Maybe I should call him back. I want to know how they affect us differently and the pros and cons of both. I don't have a set of barbells yet, and wouldn't be able to buy them for awhile. My husband just started his own business. (Monies are tight) All I have is a set of those screw on dumbbells that go up to about 6#. I feel like I'm really out of it at this site because all of you are lifting such heavy weights. Can I get as good of a workout with my lighter weights by doing more reps? Thanks for your help. It's muchly appreciated. Lora
Hi Lora! :)

I will tell you the little that I know, and all of this is second-hand, mostly from reading the this forum and VF and of course fitness magazines. My understanding is that lower weight/higher rep workouts (endurance) are great for toning and firming, add some strength, but do not build bulk. Heavy weight/lower, slower rep workouts build bulk and strength. I am finding that endurance does more for my metabolism. I see more progress doing an MIS rotation or a Firm rotation than I did with the PS series. I am almost ashamed to say so because of course I just LOVE Cathe and I love the PS tapes (well, OK, I love BBA and CST and tolerate SLA, LOL!). But I am doing the Firm's 90 day rotation right now (after spending Aug-Dec doing a PS rotation) and I am seeing more progress in terms of fat loss (gauged by the size of my lower tummy) and strength gain (gauged by my ability to use progressively higher weights with an individual tape) than I did with PS! So IN MY EXPERIENCE (YMMV) endurance work does more for my metabolism than heavy work. This seems weird to me and is actually very distressing since I have always thought of myself as a "Cathe type" not a "Firm type" and was really only doing the Firm rotation for a change of pace! ACK! I hope others will have more to add because truly this is all a mystery to me. I think it boils down to finding what works for your individual body. AND defining what your goals are. Is your goal toning/firming or muscle building? Really for women there's not THAT much difference since women don't build big muscles anyway! Somebody jump in here with some wisdom! -susan p
Copying this from a newspaper article

TO build strength: 3-6 reps, 1-2 sets, rest 5 minutes between sets.

To build muscle: 8-12 reps, 3-5 sets, rest 1-2 minutes between sets.

To build endurance: 12-20 reps, 6 to 12 sets, 30 secs rest between sets.

This ran in Investors Business Daily newspaper a few months ago. Their source is the Health Sciences Department at FLorida Atlantic University in Boca Raton.

I was a little confused by the terms, "strength" and "muscle," in their chart, but I translated their definition of strength to mean the kind of strength that powerlifters must have. Don't think most of us are interested in becoming powerlifters, but maybe that will be the next workout fad?

The muscle-building workouts are more like Cathe's PS series, which will actually encourage muscle growth, shapeliness and raise your metabolism. The endurance-building workouts, as Susan P said, primarily burn a lot of calories and help burn fat off to show the muscle underneath.

You probably want to use a combination of muscle building workouts and endurance building workouts. Everyone is different and reacts differently. I got great results from the PS series and loved what they did for my body. (Blasted cellulite right into outer space, for one thing.) But I like to use endurance building workouts too. As Susan said, they burn fat off really well, plus they help your body learn to recuperate & revitalize a lot quicker from lifting. After I've done endurance work for a week or two, my strength workouts such as PS feel SO much easier. I think that's because my muscles adapt to a shorter rest period.

One of the nice things about building muscle is that we lose 5 to 7 pounds of muscle per decade, which is why our metabolisms slow down as we age.
Hi Daphne!

Are you serious about the PS series working on cellulite? I have treid everything!! I just got the PS SLA, but I don't have the other 2 PS tapes. I'm assuming it would be the SLA that would work that "bottom" area??? I am going to do my strength workout tomorrow and add that to my routine. I probably won't be able to walk Saturday! I workout faithfully 6 days a week (for years!!) and I think my body has become so accustomed to what I do. The Cathe tapes are really different then my normal routine. I'm really getting excited about seeing results. I am STILL drinking my 64oz. of water a day hoping that helps also. Thanks for any info!Debbie
One More Thing!!

Daphne-Thanks for all the information you put on here for us about strength, muscle and endurance. That is some great info and it helped me understand it a lot better.
light weights

Hi Lora,

I use pretty light weights also and have gotten great results. I've found if you really concentrate on working each muscle group, you can have great gains even with light weights. Sometimes I can only use my barbell with NO weights on it, so don't feel bad, not everyone can handle the heavy weights. The lighter weight higher reps are more for toning, but if you're just starting out, you should initially see strength gains also. You'll do just fine.
what is "toning"

I've always heard that endurance workouts are good for "toning" and you have to do heavy workouts for "building" --does that mean that when you're "toning" (which I define as firming up) you're not building muscle? What is the toning effect from if not muscle changes? This has always confused me. Also, I wonder why PS blasted cellulite for Daphne (and cellulite is just FAT, after all) but endurance (I'm assuming that's how the Firm would be defined) is blasting fat for me? Is it just the difference between two bodies? I have wondered if maybe PS series works better for those who already have a base level of strength/endurance, which I did NOT have when I tried them? I'm going back to a PS rotation when I'm done with my 90 day Firm rotation to see if I do better with PS after building a good endurance base. I guess it's mostly a case of trial and error and individuality. I'll always rotate back through the PS tapes just because I LIKE 'em and I think they are valuable for me fitness-wise even though I don't SEE much in the way of visible results. -susan p
I feel like a total heretic

for saying I'm getting better results endurance workouts than PS series. . . I am hanging my head in shame, Cathe!! Woe is me!! I am unworthy. (weak grin) -susan p
Hi Susan!

I was wondering what Firm tapes you are doing? I don't know the first thing about Firm tapes since the only one I have is Tough Tape. Anyway, I've had to stop using the heavy weights due to too much muscle building so I'm now looking for more workouts which focus on lighter weights for endurance. Sounds like the results you're getting from the Firm 90 day rotation (which, by the way, I'm curious where you got that?) are exactly the results I'd like to get.

So, could you tell me what tapes you're doing? Thanks in advance!

Bev K.
Hi Susan!

This is the second time I've written this first post apparently disappeared!! Anyway, I was wondering if you could tell me which Firm tapes you are using on the 90 day rotation? It sounds like the results you are getting are exactly the results I'm looking for (ie. no muscle bulking, loss of fat). I don't know the first thing about Firm tapes, the only one I have is Tough Tape. However, I'm always looking for excuses, ahem, I mean REASONS to buy new tapes!

Also, where did you get the 90 day rotation? Like I said I know nothing about the Firm stuff!

Thanks in advance! Now let's see if this one posts.....

Bev K.
Firm 90 day rotation

Hi Bev! To get the rotation calendar, just order anything from Firmdirect and ASK FOR IT IN THE COMMENT BOX!! There is not an "order" icon for it, you have to request it in the box. I am going to request one any time I order anything from them so I have extras to share. Anyway, the Firm divides the tapes up into

all weights
Slow and heavy (75/25 weights/cardio)
classics (50/50)
fast and light (25/75)

I think the first 3 categories are making the difference for me. I don't like the Firm's cardio and usually do a Cathe or CIA instead. I have at least 2 tapes for each category that I rotate. Here are my Firm faves:

Super Sculpt and Super Cardio --THESE ARE THE BEST! The Firm FINALLY produced a serious cardio video that will challenge you and that is LONG. and Super Sculpt is a wonderful workout that is also quite challenging

Tough Tape 2. I don't like the original Tough Tape. It relies too heavily on one exercise, endless leg presses over and over, ugh! TT2 has more variety.

Maximum Body Sculpting. Totally fun, fairly tough (I know some VFers call it "intermediate" --maybe I'm just wimpy but this one makes me SWEAT!)

Tortoise -sort of like Tough Tape with recovery breaks. The "aerobics" are very lightweight and function more as recovery breaks from the weight work than actual aerobics. You can go work heavier than you can with TT because of these breaks so it has a different feel than TT

Vol 4, Time Crunch workout -love this tape, it is more of an endurance tape with lighter weights but always leaves me sore.

So THERE YA GO! Susan's Fave Firms. -susan p

PS forgot a sample of the rotation, here are the first two weeks, they are pretty typical:

Monday 1-weights (Bust and Butt) and abs
Tuesday1- aerobics (Core Cardio 1) and abs
Wednesday 1- classic (vol 4)
Thursday 1-weights (Tough Tape) and abs
Friday 1- aerobics (Core Cardio II) and abs
Sat or Sun 1- classic (vol 2)

Monday 2-slow and heavy (Firm Strength)
Tuesday 2-fast and light (the Hare)
Wednesday 2-aerobics (Tough Cardio Mix) and abs
Thursday 2- floor hip/thigh (lower body sculpting) and abs
Friday 2- slow and heavy (the Tortoise)
Sat or Sun- fast and light (the Hare)
Sounds like a lot of tapes!

Thanks for the info, Susan. Sounds like a lot of tapes to order, my Visa will be smokin'!!
All kidding aside, do you follow the rotation strictly or substitute other cardio/weight tapes (you said you do Cathe's cardio sometimes)?

One more thing, in reading the other post I noticed you said you're getting better results with this type of "endurance" workout, however, above where you listed the 5 categories of Firm tapes, you said the first three are the ones making the difference for you. What about category #4, wouldn't that be an endurance workout? Or am I not understanding this correctly? Sorry for all the questions but I do appreciate your answers!

Bev K.
my thoughts

Well Bev, when people talk about "endurance" workouts they are still talking about STRENGTH, just with higher reps and lower weights. I have always heard the Firm referred to as being "endurance" style strength because they don't take breaks to get your heart rate down and their reps are faster (although I haven't noticed reps being particularly fast I definitely DO notice the lack of rest breaks!). So when I say endurance I'm talking about strength workouts like MIS or the Firm where you don't take much in the way of rest breaks. I think I spent about $80 on Firms. I already had a couple of Firms, got the Super Shapers in Nov, ordered 5 more for the rotation, and traded for a handful of other (older, less popular) ones.

I think it is helpful to have two tapes in each category so you can rotate. I would recommend Super Sculpt and TT2 (only 6.99 at KMart!) for weights, MBS and Tortoise for slow and heavy, the Hare and CardioBurn (12.99 at KMart!!) for fast and light (IMHO CardioBurn is fast and light, I'm not sure where the Firm categorizes it), vols 4 and 6 for classics, and Super Cardio for cardio. You'll also need a "floor hip thigh", I use Sculpted BUns, Hips, and Thighs which is cheap at KMart when you can find it. For abs you can get M5DA at KMart for 6.99 or just use any ol' ab sections from any ol' tapes that you like. "Just a suggestion, take it or leave it!" as someone we know and love says!

on pure cardio days, I really prefer to take a break from the Firm. They are really at their best with strength and/or combined workouts. Their cardio is disappointing IMHO. So for those "pure aerobics" days, except for SUper Cardio which is one of my FAVORITE overall cardio tapes ever, I pick out a Cathe step tape. -susan p
Thanks Susan!

You are always so helpful!
I may give some of these Firms a try just to see if they are "my cup of tea" so to speak!
I wasn't wild about Tough Tape, thought it was a little too cheesy. But for $6.99, well, hey, what does a girl have to lose???

Thanks again!


Hi Susan,
Look at the difference between Karen Voights body and Cathe's body. Karen Voight (especially in Great Weighted Workout) to me is a toned body. Very lean and well defined muscle but not bulky. Cathe is also lean and well defined but she has more bulk to her muscle. To me that's what I mean by toning, a more sleek look, although Karen Voight was too thin in Great Weighted Workout I thought. I like both body types, but at this point I can't work with heavy weights, so I just go for the toned look. If I could get to looking like Cathe, believe me, I would.
I hope this makes sense to you? That's the easiest way I can think for you to see the difference.

yeah, a little visual aid always helps doesn't it! Thanks for the explanation! -susan p
I'm watching

It's great to sit here and see what everyone is saying. I'm learning allot. Glad my question was one that sparked some interest. Keep the conversation going. I'll be away for a day.(Picking my eldest son up at the airport today. He just finished Coast Guard Bootcamp. Can't wait to see him.) I will check back and see if you have anymore great ideas and insights. Thanks Ladies. Lora
question on your FIRM rotation

Susan, do you find that you're getting enough cardio on your FIRM rotation? It sounds great, and I'd love to try it, but my main goal right now is to burn fat, and I wonder if that means I should increase my cardio to 5 times a week (right now I do it 3-4 times a week).

Hi Lora!

Welcome back. Hope you are having a nice visit w/your son. Just wanted to let you know I picked up Crunch "Bootcamp" today. Seemed appropriate to share that with you because of your son. Enjoy your time together!! Debbie

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