<---one is the loneliest number

<---is in shock that Robin has banned Pinky from anything
<---is pretty sure Pinky will ignore the banishment
<---is off to play Amy's picturetrail guessing game
<--tells Amy that she is beeeeaaaauuuutiful!
<--thinks AMy has some nice shoulders!
<--enjoyed the pics

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!!

http://www.3fatchicks.net/img/bar072/slider-but3/lb/203/145/151/.png[/img] [/url]

<---tells Amy that if you want someone to "guess" which one is you it is customary not to tell them in a caption which one is you:7
<---agrees Amy is beautiful and admires her shoulders
<---thinks Amy has one of those smiles that makes everyone smile
<---waves to Beavs and Meg
<--pops in to say Hi
<--just came home from the gym
<--doesn't have much time for personals
<--has to take shower and get ready for school tomorrow:D
<--thought Amy looked very pretty in her pictures:*
<--says to Amy good job;-)
<--waves to Amy, Meaghan, Shelly, Boybert, Robin, Shannon, Pinky, Melody, Tammy, and everyone else^^^^^^^^
<--will tell everyone about school tomorrow
<--gets out at 10:45
<--will c yea!

Laugh and the world laughs with you. Cry and you cry with your girlfriends.
-Laurie Kuslansky-

<---tells Adri to get plenty of rest and enjoy the first day of school tomorrow
<---now remembers that <---forgot to answer Robin's name question earlier
<---says yes Mac is McDaniel, it's a family name and all <---'s boys have grandfather, great grandfather, great great grandfather etc names (Andrew Charles, Thomas Lee, Gavin McDaniel, William Albert)
<---calls him McDaniel more than Mac, but noone else does
<---is now done with the family name history
<---must go assist Wil
<--is going now!!!
<--procrastinates ALL THE TIME}( }(
<--ok someone kick <--outa here!!!!!

take care!
Laugh and the world laughs with you. Cry and you cry with your girlfriends.
-Laurie Kuslansky-

<--loves the Georgia boys names
<--tells AMy to check PM's again and hope <--helped
<--is off to put boys to bed and finish <--WO

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!!

http://www.3fatchicks.net/img/bar072/slider-but3/lb/203/145/151/.png[/img] [/url]

<-- missed each and every one of you today
<-- missed you so much <-- hasn't read one post ^^ }(
<-- can't believe <-- got through today
<-- has to get dressed and head to BC now
<-- might bbl depending on whether or not DH is home when <-- get back (<-- ignored him much of last night in favor of studying...)
<-- hopes everyone enjoyed their dinner!
<--winders how the heck <--is going to respond to 149 posts :eek:
<--is too stinkin' busy with school
<--is stressed and DH is making HOMEMADE chunky monkey ice cream :eek:
<--passes spoons all around and says enjoy!
<--thanks Megadoodles
<--is sorry that squirrely is stressed
<--hopes that Adri has a good day at school
<--is seriously considering going back to school
<--needs to take GRE first x(
<---grabs spoon from Kara and passes it to the next poster with a haughty sniff
<---is eating clean today
<---says, OK, OK, Pinky is unbanned
<---explains the unbanning is for several reasons:
1. <---is askeered of Pinky
2. <---noticed the arts and crafts moved into this thread
<---says if you can't beat em, join em as <---starts to knit a batch of PB cookies
<---says hey, AWANA was fun with 27 kids, all of who behaved!!!
<---oh yeah, <---loves Amy's shoulders too
<---thanks Melody for the name explaination and thinks all the names are great
<---should have named Tristan "Artzoumanian" after his paternal great-great grandfather
<---thinks Tristan is happy Robin did not choose the paternal great great grandfather name
<---thinks Wil is not thrilled with Albert, but it could have been Enoch
<---grabs spoon from Robin and tells Kara to whine away <---will gladly listen and eat, eat and listen, and eat
<---wonders if Amy is eating dinner
<---wonders if Robin is still cleaning house
<---wonders if Meg's doodles are sleeping yet
<---must go read to <---'s guys and tuck them in and probably retuck them and so on
<--grabs spoons back and says this ice cream is too good to share :p
<--has officially eaten own weight in ice cream, but is still going just like that pesky energizer bunny
<--hopes y'all are doin' OK :)
<--understands Robin's frustration with eating and wishes <-- had a magic trick to help or at least decent advice
<--loves Melody's choice of names and hopes Wil is itchless now :)
<--must get back to dessert and studying...yippee.
<--wishes all of you a most excellent evening!
<--tells Michlee it's "principal"
<--says the principal of your school is your "pal" ;)
<--has a sinus headache and is puzzling over the GA boys' names
<--is wondering why Wil isn't Albert?
<--supposes it's because Mel liked William better than Albert
<--is going to take her Actifed and popcorn and curl up in the hidey hole for the night
<--hopes that Project Runway is on tonight on the big screen Hidey Hole TV
<--asks Ame to please respond to <--'s email when she gets a chance (no rush) cuz <-- is clueless and needs her help with something
<--wishes all of you loverlies a good night
-Ms. Grumpypants
<---can't see Amy's pictures!
<---thanks Kara for ice cream :9
<---thinks Albert is way, way, way better than Enoch :p
<---oh dude, I'm unbanned!!! *does happy dance with power jig* :7
<---waves to AmyG
<---has been scrapping for the last two hours
<---has been printing different maps off the internet
<---has been looking at these here maps for a long time
<---is still amazed by how vast the Pacific Ocean is, and how many times <---has crossed it, crouched in a narrow plane seat
<---is off to start bedtime
<---lullabye and goodnight, everyone

<---is typiing in the dark without <---'s glasses
<---tells Nancy yep likes Wil better and he has a strong "will" etc.<---knew he had a strong will as an infant because the drs said he should have been dead having gone thru all he did
<---but spells it one "l" the family way
<---just for fun lets Nance know eldest is called Andy and not Charles for a 2-2 name balance, ha
<---joins Pinky in the lullaby although <---is aboot to do a w/o
<---sends sweet dreams to all

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