One hour a day to devote to exercise: your plan?


Must say I am completely blown away by those of you who work out 2 or more hours a day. I have a F/T job and two kids and a wonderful DH. Plus a commute. So my time is limited. For those of you with similar constraints, here is one of my typical work out weeks. Any feedback?

M: rest
Tu: 4 mile run (plus Boot Camp abs and 20 minutes yoga if time)
Wed: Boot Camp
Th: Bryan Kest Power Yoga Sweat
Fri: 4 mile run plus abs
Sat: 5 mile run plus abs
Sun: Muscle Endurance

I will also add that the yoga is the first to go but I incorporate yoga moves for post run stretches whenever I can. Boot Camp frid my legs for running so I try not to run the next day.

Thanks all.
Your program looks a little light in the strength training department, Muscle Endurance day and Bootcamp days notwithstanding. I'd suggest investing in the Cross Train Express ("CTX") series as well as the Timesaver DVD and developing a 3-4 week rotation incorporating those in addition to what you've already devised.


I finally ordered and got started with CTX a couple of weeks ago. All I can say is: "What took me so long?" LOL! I already have Timesaver and just like A-jock recommends, I'm in the process of workingout a rotation to incorporate the 2.

I've got 2 small children and my time is limited as well. I usually shoot for 1 hour of workout time at least 5 days a week (sometimes I manage to get the 6th day in there). For the past year and half I'd been doing cardio and weight workouts seperately but I'm a cardio addict. I don't feel like I've worked out if I don't do some form of cardio! So, for me, CTX and Timesaver are exactly what I need.
I'm crunched for time too. If I get to the gym by 5, I can workout for about 50 minutes to an hour. then I have to shower, get ready, get home in time to make breakfast and get the kids out the door and me off to school.

Saturdays I can spend a little longer working out and I try to add an extra workout one evening a week with my husband.

Someday all the kids will be in school all day,(still have one in Kindergarten) and then I will indulge myself a little more.

You get to the gym by 5 AM? And then you get home and get the kids fed and ready for school? WOW! I'm impressed!

My oldest is in full day Kindergarten and my little one just started nursery school. I normally try to workout between the time I drop my little one off and pick him up. But, sometimes I've got other things I need to do (like grocery shop or clean the house or laundry! LOL!) so many times I fit it in after they're asleep. I have to admit, though, that I skip that workout because I'm just so tried!
Thanks to everyone for posting. Looks like I'm asking for CTX and Timesaver for the upcoming birthday. Going to be 41 and feel better than ever. Do women rock or what??:) :)
Hi, Fit ..

I am a new jogger. I am trying to build up to two miles a day, three days a week to go with my Cathe/Firm regime. I am walking/running for a mile three times a week this week. I will go this phase at least another week and add a half a mile during the week of October 25th. Is this appropriate progression?


Slow and steady ain't a bad thing!
Check out ( excellent running log ) and look at the Couch to 5k training ( it also has more training programs )or They both have excellent starter programs and lots of info on adding on miles.

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