One body part per day


Hi to all my educated friends. :D
I have a question about the one body part per day? Those of you who are doing it, how do you incorportate the Total body tapes like ME and Power Hour (Body Pump) long do you work that body part and how do you combine the workout with other tapes to equal the time you spend on that body part?
Is this a run on sentence or what? LOL

I tacked this question onto another Ask Cathe thread to see what Cathe does. So far, I haven't found out how to do it yet.

TIA for your experiences.
You either don't use a tape, and work one body part for ten to forty minutes, or you use the CTX series pretty much as is. You could also split the S&H series into separate body parts and do one per day.

The most convenient way to incorporate ME, Power hour is... don't do them as part of this rotation. You can't do all rotations at once. If you do one part per day, just worry about adding cardio and including abs. Save ME and Power hour for another, endurance rotation.

That's my answer!

I havent tried this yet, but one way I'm considering doing a 1 body part per day rotation is to use the exercises in the Pure Strength tapes followed immediately by the exercises for that same body part in the CTX series, that way I was getting a little strength and a little endurance the same day. Ive been holding off b/c I dont have the PS or CTX in dvd yet. Instead I was going to write down the exercises/reps for the PS exercises and then pop in my CTX Upper Body tape and do the workout in that order. Then my CTX tape will already be primed for the next day's workout.

Hi Stacy-

I am with Connie... just do a 1 bodypart/day rotation for a while and then switch to a rotation that incorporates ME or PH.

Your idea of doing the PS body part + a CTX body part/day sounds like a good one. I will curious to see how it works out for you.

Take care,
Thanks everyone, for your suggesstions.
I was thinking on the lines of Stacy, to combine other videos for a particular part for the day. Obviously, just doing one body part from Boot Camp or like Cardio and Weights, would not do much to build any muscle. Dead works so to speak. Kind of like a guy using an air pump to fix a flat tire. He pumps using some exertion, but the tire is still flat. The tire has a hole in it. His work was for nothing. :D

S&H series seems best suited time wise for the one body part per day (I totally agree with Connie) and yet just maybe a person could possiblly add a little more time to it. (biceps for example)???? The Pure Strength Series doesn't seem to have enough time devoted to a particular part to serperate it into the one body part per day, at least to me.

In some videos, the count is too fast for me to go real real heavy on wieghts, and the Slow Heavy series is real slow to do all the time. That is why I wish for another Slow Heavy type workout that has a faster count but slower than say, the Pyramids in the Intense Series.

And...Ideally, Connie has the solution for that problem. But me...not only would I bore myself, I'm so dependent on the music and someone counting and giving instruction on the way. :D

Question: Doesn't Cathe do a Body Pump class or a cardio + one body part per day? I thought I read that somewhere? I could be having a 'blonde' moment. LOL

(edited to add the question: Do any of you do any other strength tapes in a one body part rotation?)

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