? on doing one body part per day and bodypump


I read on Cathes page where to get in shape for the new vids she did one body pump class per day and then worked one body part per day doing weights. I am not familiar with this terminology. Can someone please explain? I am assuming a body pump class is like doing one of her videos with maybe faster moves and lighter weights but what is one body part per day? Do you work only arms one day, legs the next, shoulders the next or does she mean upper body one day, lower the next and so on? For how long do you work them? thanks, kitty
Hey Kitty,

Body Pump is a quick paced weight workout using only a barbell for all of your exercises. Collagevideo.com has a preview of what it looks like.

What is meant by working one body part is exactly what you thought. A person might work back today, biceps tomorrow & then triceps the next day. Some people workout longer, but most work about 45 minutes.

Hope that helps.
>Hey Kitty,

>What is meant by working one body part is exactly what you
>thought. A person might work back today, biceps tomorrow &
>then triceps the next day. Some people workout longer, but
>most work about 45 minutes.
>Hope that helps.

So Body pump is similar to The Firm? I do the Firm workouts but use mostly dumbells, not a barbell.
How on earth can you work biceps or triceps for 45 minutes at a time? Mine are cooked after one pyramid of 12, 10 8, and 6. That probably takes only like a couple minutes. Kitty

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