On Demand viewing questions

aqua girl

I recently switched over to OnDemand & Cathe Live from just Cathe Live and have been "playing" with
the OnDemand to see what works, etc. I have a couple questions....
1. I'm using on my ipad mini and a hdmi adapter/cable to tv and have found that when I start a video
and put in full screen mode for my tv, the "chapters" button disappears from my ipad mini so when I
want to skip to another chapter, I have to switch back to regular screen where the chapter button is
and select it and while it's changing put back to full screen, is this normal? I found it easier to do this
with a stylus instead of my finger because the "buttons" are so tiny it's hard to hit the right one......
Also, when I switch from one chapter to another, it's pretty quick but right when it starts, (new
chapter) the videos speeds up and then slows down, just a few seconds like this, does that make
sense? Also, will using the WorkoutBlender solve these things? I found that on the older videos
not switched over yet, the default speed seems to work good but on the new player, I have to use
the Low Speed to get it to play without stopping, buffering, which is no big deal, I just need to
remember to switch it at the beginning. The picture, etc in the Low is still fantastic. Thanks
for a reply.
When you use a mobile device, like a iPad mini it uses its default player, not ours. Hence the reason you have a problem. Our chapter menus are currently only made for use on a computer, not mobile devices.

You will find on some mobile devices that you're able to use the chapter menus and other features, while on on other mobile devices you will not have much luck. Mobile devices require an app to do what you're trying to do. We're currently working on our app, but it's at least a month or two before it will be released.
When you use a mobile device, like a iPad mini it uses its default player, not ours. Hence the reason you have a problem. Our chapter menus are currently only made for use on a computer, not mobile devices.

You will find on some mobile devices that you're able to use the chapter menus and other features, while on on other mobile devices you will not have much luck. Mobile devices require an app to do what you're trying to do. We're currently working on our app, but it's at least a month or two before it will be released.

Ok tried another experiment..worked 10 times better ! I used my iPad 2 which
Uses the old cable (big connector) & running iOS 5 & picked same video I used
The first time with new player. By doing this, the video was automatically
Full screen on my tv but on the iPad itself stayed smaller screen which means
The chapters menu was still there and when I picked another chapter it
Changed almost flawless. The HD button wouldn't let me change it but as it
Turned out I didn't need to cause it played perfect,never buffered once as it
Did before. I'm so glad I tried this. So I'll be using on old iPad until the
Other stuff you have comes out.

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