omg i FINALLY ordered


after much checking and sleepless nights;-) i finally ordered.
the update ultimate guide and u were very helpfull,so here is the list:
the 4 new ones}(
the s&h series ):(
muscle max:eek:
low max:eek:
ab hits:)
rhythmic step,imax,mic:p
power hour,body max,mis:9

total 404$;( :-(
i hope i ordered well

SHANA TOVE(happy new year) everybody
love u all

sharona:* :7
:p I hear ya! I plunked down about $350 a couple weeks ago.

Then the other day I was reading some threads about favorite step workouts and I kept reading about how so many people love Rhythmic Step and I was so hitting myself for not getting it...

...and then yesterday I was looking through my workout stash and realized I HAD bought it! Doh! :eek: :7
Money well spent, Sharona! Just wait - within two months you'll be wanting more. Trust me on that one.

SHANA TOVE back to you - Rosh Hashanna beckons this Friday at sundown, yes?

Great choices! Oh, and isn't it fun to buy so many at once?? :) You've made great selections and you won't be disappointed! :)

It's pretty exciting after you finally place the order! I bought alot this past month so I was on the fence about pre-ordering the new series. I could'nt take it any longer..... I caved in and ordered.

I'll be busy and sore for quite a few months to come! OMG, I'm on my second week of GS series and I am SORE SORE SORE! My arms are so sore, I could barely write a check for groceries the other day:D
I have S&H to look forward to next:) :)
The first time I ordered, I got the largest package that was offered and I've been preordering since. No regrets!


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