Old Firmie needs suggestions


New Member
I am an old Firm fanatic who recently expanded my horizions (I see I am not alone). I was mainly in search of some fun and effective cardio. I bought a full-size step last summer and have been enjoying the variety. I've tried Gin Miller (love her) and some other step tapes as well as Gilad and some other floor cardio. I really wasn't planning on adding new strength training (I have over 35 Firms) but after reading the posts, I'm interested in Cathe's weight work, too. I noticed on CollageVideo that a lot of previous Firm fans love Cathe. Where do I start? What videos do you recommend? Which Cardio's are your favorites and what strength tapes would be good for an advanced exerciser that is new to Cathe.
Have you looked at any of the Cathe clips here on the website? You can view many of them, a nice long clip is provided for many of them.

Personally I love Slow and Heavy, Maximum Intensity Strength and Powerhour. I've ordered the new Intensity Pyramid series but I don't have it yet. :( But I bet I'll love it too.

I also got Leaner Legs a couple weeks ago, you'll compare it to Standing Legs from the Firm, I bet. I don't have Standing Legs but I hear both sides on this, one that SL is easier, one that LL is easier. So guess you'd have to try em both to see.

Welcome to Cathe!
HI Carol!
I am an old FIRMie as well-or semi-old firmie, I have done firms since 95-96 and while I did love them for quite a long time, I was hitting a wall where I didn't feel I was improving anymore. It is hard to think out of the box (for me) I was so stuck on FIRM videos and I didn't give anything else a try-until I started hearing more and more about Cathe!! I love her!

Now if I do a FIRM, I don't feel as much work as I used to ..I think it is because Cathe has more focused training (cardio then weights or slow/heavy weights etc)
My favorite Cathe's are : (cardio) Circuit Max (most like the FIRM IMO, has cardio and weights, but the cardio sections are significantly harder than FIRM cardio-5min intervals w/2min strength training) Maximum Intensity Cardio, Rhythmic Step, Imax etc...
my favorite strength tapes are: Power Hour (wait until you feel the burn in the legs from the leg work!) Leaner Legs, ...I don't do much strength training all out, just a bit at a time..

my favorite combo (cardio then weights) Body Max and the CTX series!
Welcome to Catheland!!! :) Jaime
Carolf, I can relate to your "Old Firmie" status and wanting to try something new. (I, too, have over 30 FIRMs lining the back row of a bookcase -- these days most are now collecting dust bunnies.)

Cathe's strength tapes are generally excellent. You'll really enjoy working a body part with a series of exercises instead of jumping around from part to part FIRM-style for a change. (Your muscles will benefit from less rest per body part, too.)

My favorites are Power Hour, CTX Upper Body (a "best of" or "Parts" tape format), and the Pure Strength series.

As an advanced exerciser, I think you'll appreciate the serious yet fun quality that Cathe puts into her videos.


I'm also a former firmie - started with them in 89. Initially I wanted a change and read about cathe on the forum. I've been hooked ever since for about 2 1/2 years now.

I started with cardio kicks then ctx (great variety and lean legs is great). I highly recommend S&H too - the results after just a 3 week rotation are amazing.

You will find we are all really good here at spending eachothers meeting!

I also really like circuit max (for variety) and power hour (endurance) and I'm going to do Imax today (a killer workout)!

And the new tapes look great (I just cant afford them right now)

Hi Carol,
Welcome to the Cathe Forum!
I was never a Firmie, but you already received some good suggestions from the others.
I will just tell you what my favorite Cathe videos are and why so you have some further insight:

1. BodyMax ("BM"): a 90 minute very tough tape with a step section first, then a step/lower body weight circuit section, then an upper body weight section. This tape is very tough and you feel so accomplished when you are finished. I can be broken up into two or three days if you are short on time.

2. Maximum Intensity Strength ("MIS"): This is a a 70 minute total body weight training video using a traditional lifting style of 2 or 3 sets of 12 to 16 reps per exercise. I feel I get a cardio benefit from this video during the legs portion (about 30 minutes).

3. Interval Max (IMax): I have a love/hate relationship with this 60 minute killer step/plyometric cardio video. It really kicks your stamina up to the next level.

4. Circuit Max (CM): This is a 60 minute circuit workout with compound exercises (lower and upper body working at the same time). Cathe does 6 5-minte cardio cycles followed by a weight training section for each upper body part and then puts a few more upper body exercises in at the end so that all muscle groups are worked, followed by some plank work for your core region.

Those are my favorites! I do, however, truly like all of Cathe's videos (I have all of them) and use them all (just some more than others). The new pyramid videos are really great. They are my favorites from the new series. IMax2 is also very challenging and fun, but not (in my opinion) as difficult as IMax.

Good luck.


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