okay, need advice what tapes!!!!


Hi everyone, I just found out about the CTX upper body tape and the ab tape! I was thinking of getting the slow and heavy series, leaner legs and those two new tapes. Should I also get the pure strength tapes, I had them before and I liked them but I don't wantto overload or spend two much money so what do you all think, any ideas? Thanks.

...what do you think our answer will be??? GET THEM ALL!!!! Every tape you mentioned is my favorite!;-) Just think of the discount you get when you order more then a couple. Okay, have I convinced you YET? Tee-Hee!!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Now....



I don't think you can overload when it comes to Cathe. If you use them all, what does everyone feel guilty about.(other than the fact there are other things in life to pay for:)
When I was a newbie I truly wish someone had told me to bite the bullet and get them all at once because inevitably I would end up buying them all anyway. They ARE very addicting.

The ones you mention are good as a base, but if you did like the PS series and you will use them, then seriously, get them all. It is a better deal and with the quantity discounts, you can't go wrong. Just don't tell your husband(he-he)!!!!!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-04-02 AT 11:40AM (Est)[/font][p]Hi Cookiebaby,
I just want to put in my two cents. I now have, or will be recieving shortly, all of Cathe's DVD's. I ordered/acquired them within, say, 4 months. Not a very long time, right?
My point is that I ordered them one by one (or two-by-two...)
and missed out on all but one quantity discount. I think you should make your wish list and see how much you would truly save by buying in bulk. The discounts are very, very good, and with Cathe I've found that once I decided that her style was for me, I wanted all of her dvd's. I think that feeling is pretty universal with Cathe fans, too.
But it took me awhile to decide for sure, so I missed out on the biggie DVD discount. I can't say I regret this, because I took my time to decide whether or not I was truly committed to her workouts (since they really are a committment! :) ) but I do think that you can get a lot for your money here, especially if you indulge in the quantity discounts, and if you find a workout is not for you, you can trade it on Video Fitness site, or you can sell it on Fitprime's site or Firm Ya Ya site, or on ebay or half.com. Cathe workouts are always in demand. So, it's a worthy investment either way IMHO.

added later: oh, after rereading all the posts, I have to add, that S+H is one of the last DVD's I'm adding to my collection. I think it might be good to use PS, MIS, PH first, because S+H seems more a 'shake things up' type of workout to add to your repertoire, in my book, at least for me. I'm very exited to try it, but I don't see myself doing it more than one week at a time, for a long time, until I get accustomed to it. Then I can reassess the frequency in which I want to do it.
Must totally agree with all others on coughing up the dough now for ALL the workouts you're even just toying with using right now, because the quantity AND shipping discounts are unbelievable. Even if you don't start working out with them right away, you can save them for a later date and work them into your program, AND if you should decide you really don't want one of them, they are very easy to re-sell or swap.


I personally would suggest you get the Slow and Heavy series instead of the Pure Strength Series, since you're already planning on getting the CTX upper body workout AND the Leaner Legs workout. Even though S&H is SUGGESTED as only a 3-weeker in your broader rotation, its structure is very different from PS and CTX, and I think it would bring wonderful balance to your overall training program!

Annette Q. Aquajock

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