ok-- the overtraining principle?

I was just reading the "scientific" methods and reasoning behind a few rotations that work the same bodypart each day-- but with light weights.. so therefore, lets say, (hypotheotically speaking of course!) that I decided to train my shoulders and triceps every day, doing a whole lot of reps, with real light weight, using about oh.. 5 different exercises for each body part, would I be wasting time, or would I achieve that ever elusive toned hard defined muscle? I am not overweight, but there are parts (rear delts, triceps) that just dont take to heavy training (makes em look larger, yes, but I do have SOME bodyfat for petes sake!) and i was just thinking, since thats where I'm storing it, in that nasty upper back arm area (oh yeah, did I mention the new armpit fat I am finding?) could there actually be sound logic behind this type of "overtraining" principle?

There is a book (I think its called The lower Body Solution) that advocates this type of training for the legs, to work them every day, and it wouldnt make them bigger, because it is almost like stripping the muscle fibers in there, etc. I might be wrong on the title of the book, but I have seen it discussed on the boards here, by the way. Could the same principle be applied to arms as well, even tho its not as large a muscle group? or must arms be worked with HEAVY weight in order to see changes? anyone else get a little too bulky when they train their arms with a challenging weight?

I hope someone can make sense out of this post, because its 330 here in nyc, and I just cought sight of the back of my upper arm in the mirror and I cant take it. (Yes, I may be tired, but fitness is a 24 hour obsession for alot of us Cathe addicts!) I train 5-6 days a week, currently on a Slim series w/Cathe as my cardio rotation, and I am seeing SOME defintion, but not the kind of hardness I need to see to stay on the right path, and not order out for Chinese Food and say the heck with it!

What has given you the best results in leaning out this upper back of the arm area? Clean eating is a given.. and how long will it take? 3 weeks? 6 weeks? If only I could be sure that something, ANYTHING other than what I am already doing, would get me a result, I'd get on it right away!

All suggestions are appreciated!
IMHO, what gives the best results in leaning out the upper back of the arm area is consistent, persistent high-intensity cardio and progressive strength training, strength training that involves at least one session per week of slow heavy lifting to build mass as well as strength. And the body composition progress will be measured in months and years, not a few weeks. It takes time to develop new muscle mass as well as strength safely, and it takes time to make that mass work for performance and metabolic changes.

IMHO, it's a waste of time to continually do total body sets each day that involve high-rep low-weight-load protocols. Not only will you not see the mass-building and mass-definition results you are working for, but you will stand an excellent chance of at best diminishing returns and at worst joint strain.

I've been "accused" (lol) in the past of having "Cathe" arms and shoulders. Although at this time I do not use Cathe routines for strength training, I do train the upper body (and lower body) muscles with what are heavy weights for me at least twice per week. My lightest weight load is 21.25-lb dumbbells and my heaviest weight load is 57 lb barbell (pec and barbell row work). Yes I do have a lot of mass, and perhaps there are those who don't want to have that much. But it took time and persistence to get there.

Just be patient, persistent, CONSISTENT in your weekly strength and upper-intensity cardio programs, and the rewards will come. Quick results are not that important; it's LASTING results that are.

Good luck - hope this helps.

Hey Samantha--

You are so right, fitness is a 24 hour obsession. I could tell you about fitness NIGHTMARES I've had. LOL

I don't know anything about this "overtraining" principle you've mentioned but I do know that it is IMPOSSIBLE to spot reduce body fat. No matter how hard you work your upper body, you are not going to reduce the body fat there alone.

That said, depending on your body type, there are some parts of your body that will lose fat quicker than others. For me, losing fat in between my belly button & hip region is the worst! It is taking me forever to get that fat to go away. My upper body--especially my boobs--has lost just about all the fat it can. If I lose anymore of my breast fat, I'm going to have to get a tattoo telling my husband which side is up! LOL

What you can do is increase the muscle mass in the upper body by working it more often. However, I wouldn't recommend working it everyday. You truly would overtrain eventually & could end up with an injury that would prevent working out at all.

If you are looking for a great upper body workout (& you have all of Cathe's tapes), check out www.fitnessvideofanatics.com. You'll find a page for rotations. Check out Marlene123's tank top rotation or the Tank Top Rotation a variation. These are total body rotations that specifically target the upper body & include 3 days of cardio activity & 2 days of leg work. I'm doing the variation now & am having great results!

Good luck!

It sounds like we are twins! When I gain weight is seems to go all over but particularly the upper back and arm area. I was just pinching an inch of my back fat last night to show my fiancé! I'm 5'5 and weight 135 so I am not considered overweight but I certainly have areas that could use improvement, such as back and the back of upper arm (closer to armpit). Anyway, I have been using the Pyramid workouts and it is the first time that I have felt soreness in the bottom back of my arms. I'm hoping this will tone it up some. .Also, I am considering getting back into running to help blast some fat off of my body. What has really annoyed me as that lately I haven't seen much improvement but I lost a cup size! That is NOT where I want to lose fat…

Anyway, I always hate wearing tank tops because of the back area. My legs are a whole other issue.

Well, I hope someone out there can help us…

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