OK---here is another OT song question..



This is like the question below about Vanhalen. But, for this song I don't remember the group. The song is Blinded By the Light.

The line in the refrain..."Blinded By the Light"
"Wrapped up like a ?

what is he saying there.....as a kid my friends and I swore he was saying douche...LOL.............Jodi
Thanks, KatieDid...I have been trying to figure this for about 20 years.

Now, can someone tell me what the line means with the word deuce?

Knowing Bruce's affinity for cars in his earlier lyrics my guess is "revved up like a deuce" has something to do with an engine.
My favorite Bruce car song is "Cadillac Ranch". The Boss rocks! :)

Thanks Jodi for posting this question! We've always thought it was douche too!
The car reference makes sense with the lyrics. I am just glad I wasn't the only one who thought it was douche all these years.....Jodi
LOL - I thought it was douche too!!! Never did make much sense to me.

Another one I found out on that site was Zeppelin (Black Dog)

...I don't know but I've been told, a ............... woman ain't got no soul.

It always sounded like: a bee-line woman ain't got no soul
(made NO sense)

But really it's: I don't know but I've been told, a big-legged woman ain't got no soul.

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