OK Guys LOMAX? KICKMAX? if I own Hardcore Extreme


Active Member
OK, got hardcore extreme -- LOVE IT!! From what I have read it probably is not worth it to get Kickmax (already have the km challenge and leg conditioning drills in HE). But obviously it seems I am really missing out if I dont get KPC. My second issue is buy Lomax? There is 3 of the lomax combos in HE but I hear it is awesome, should I buy???? Just curious to what you who own it think.

I would buy Low Max for sure. It is one of my faves. Good music, fun, and good cardio/leg workout without being a TOTAL killer. I agree that you probably don't need KM as the BC Blast Challenge is my favorite part and the leg conditioning drills are good. I have combined KPC through the high intensity drills and finished off with the BC Blast Challenge from KM for a realy good workout. Another idea is to do KPC WU the do KM BC Blast Challenge then do the kicking and punching drills from KPC and you have a workout similar to a premix included on the KM DVD. Enjoy!
I wasn't crazy about LowMax after seeing several parts of it on Hardcore Extreme. Then it was aired on FitTv (I Tivo'd) and I absolutely love this workout. I've decided I need to get this one even though the Fit Tv version is only missing a few sections. Try to catch it on FitTv and then decide. I think you will love it.
LOVE LM. It's my favorite of new series (I just got cardio this time). It's a wonderful workout and fun too. Find I reach for it a lot.
I agree with Kathryn. To own Hardcore extreme is not to own Low Max. This is the stand out workout of the hardcore series, totally original. It works best in its entirety as a fabulous challenge to the lower body.

KPC is cathe's superlative kickbox workout. You need the drills and you need the wonderful and creative kicking and punching combos cathe creates here. They are not available on any other of her kickbox workouts, so you need to get it. Forget KickMax: plyo combos you already have on Hardcore Extreme and the actual kickboz section is so short and ssuperceded by KPC, it 'aint worth the money of buying the entire DVD.

Have you not read all the rave reviews of Low Max on these forums yet?
It is this DVD, of all the Hardcores, which has earned the raves this time around. Check them out.

Thank you everyone, well that decision is solved. KPC and LowMax it is.

I am relatively new to the forum and have not read all the reviews on LOW MAX. I will go through and read them, jazz myself up while I am waiting for it to arrive.

Good choices! I'm still waiting for my KPC. I have KM, but wished i would have gotten KPC first.....then I wouldn't be waiting for it right now!!!!!

I have KM, but not KPC. What is the difference between the two?
I love KM I pop it in the DVD about every day!

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