
I totally didn't realize I have my Las Vegas convention the EXACT SAME days as Cathe's road trip!!! OMG! I'm sick. Bloody hell!
It was just brought up in a meeting.

Susan C.M.
Nothing should be jiggling, unless it's jiggling off. - Cathe in HSC
Well, what's the problem then? So you'll have to miss your Las Vegas convention, but that's not a big deal... ;) :p

Seriously - I hope you are able to go! Do whatever it takes! You HAVE to come!
Man, the pressure is really on about this stupid trip! I feel nauseous. If there were a can of salty nuts near by, I'd have my head buried in it right now.

The company is not doing very well and we desperately need to get our name out there.

I'm still going on the road trip. I just have got to find a way to break it to him.

Susan C.M.

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