OH MY!!! I just did Legs and Glutes for the first time....


can you say "OUCH"!!! What is worse is when Cathe uses the 3 pound weight on the floor for the lunges, in trying to figure it out and rearrange my foot, the weight rolled out from under my foot and I almost took a fall, sigh, ugh, needless to say I did NOT use the weight after that happened.:eek: :( I really scared myself and really do NOT need an injury. I also did not attempt the explosive lunges, my legs were just hurting too badly for them at that moment in time. I did manage to do that rest of the workout and boy will I feel it tomorrow!!!:eek: Am I right in thinking that this in an endurance type workout? I mean Cathe does not give you a break at all between exercises it seems. And no weights at all really does work your legs good. I did all the ankle weight exercises with no ankle weights and felt it just fine. Alot of the exercises she also does on PS Strong Legs and Abs especially on the floor with inner thigh work.

Pray that I can walk tomorrow!! LOL!!:+ :7
As a Christian...yes I will pray for you not to be too sore tomorrow! Maybe try a 2 by 4 piece of wood instead of the 3 lb weight. I do use one sometimes. I do beleive this is an endurance workout, I might be doing it too in a few minutes although I did a 4 mile run then Supersets yesterday and my legs are kinda sore. I am nursing an achilles injury myself....A great wokout! Congrats to you...God Bless...Carole
I love this workout!!!! I have a confession to make though ... I do NOT use the 3# weight under my foot for those lunges. I simply go heavier on the weights. I have a small foot - size 6 1/2, and that weight rolls around too much for me. I'm afraid I'm going to fall when I do them too, so I simply don't use the weight. It took me doing this one a few times before I could finish all the explosive lunges. I use 5# ankle weights for this one, but that took a few times to work up to. I'm so glad you enjoyed it so much!! It just gets more and more fun as you keep doing it!!!

I just did this workout. I use a 2x6 that is about 18" long. I think this is a good workout, and I plan to keep using it.
Oh Annette you make me laugh:eek: but I will pray for you. Anyway I haven't done this workout straight through but use the premixes with the KPC & LG which I really love.
I sure am loving this one too...it's a toss-up between this one and PLB for me, love 'em both! I use the 3-pound weight under my foot and really feel it in my quads...I put the weight on a yoga sticky mat and have had no problems with it rolling at all. :)
I love L&G! I had a hard time with the explosive lunges the first couple of times - could not finish them at all! I still have to take a deep breath when I get to that part and pysche myself up for it!

Anyway, hope you're walking tomorrow!!! :7 :7 :7 :7
I think this one might take the place of Meaner Legs as the toughest, will-it-ever-end leg workout.

I wouldn't use the weight under the foot unless you have hex shaped weights. I found it helpful to position the side of my foot against the outer disk of the dumbbell instead of putting it in the center - if that makes sense.

The explosive lunges are tough! Those standing quad extensions with ankle weights were challenging, too!

Just finished Legs and Glutes this morning. About to die by the end, but my knees actually feel better. I was having some discomfort in them because I tried to add running. I read at Coolrunnings.com about knee problems and one of the articles said that strengthening the quads would help. Running, step,and other types of aerobics tends to strengthen the hamstrings more than the quads and the knee is thrown out of its proper alignment--something like that. One of the exercises they recommend to strengthen the quads was one of the ones Cathe does in Legs and Glutes--the leg extensions with the knee up(not sure how to describe it).
Yes, Cathe is the best! Can't wait to see what she has in store for us this year.
Hi Heather, I've always been fortunate as a runner for many years without knee injuries. Running definitely is not for everyone..:)..One thing I have always focused on keeping strong is my quads. Even now when I do the various Cathe Lower body workouts I usually add extensions for my quads on a weight bench I have. I can't wait for her next series either...:)...Carole

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