Odor in Moisture Wicking material


Hi there,

I am running into the issue with my moisture-wicking workout clothes. Even after I have washed and dried them there is often a slight (sometimes not so slight) odor remaining.

Does anybody have experience with this and have you found a solution?

There are a couple of detergents specifically for technical clothing. I forget what they're called, but a reasonably good fitness store should carry them.
I love the term technical clothing. I had no idea that there were special detergents. You learn something new every day!
I have had some success with spray-n-wash, and also with adding Borax to the wash.

I have one Nike shirt that had to be thrown out, it was beyond hope.

Pulling the shirt from the dryer while damp, or even letting it air dry, seems to prevent cooking the fabric and/or baking the odor in. :D
Maybe that's why my clothes don't smell bad - I use a sensitive skin detergent (no fragrances, etc.) and hang all my clothes. My dryer broke down some time ago, so now I save money, the environment and my friends' noses!
Ooo- more good advice. I can see the "baking" the odor in. My son has eczema so we use all fragrance/dye free products. But I will remember NOT to dry them tonight. Hopefully they are not too far gone!

Thanks gals!!
I have "Win" detergent that I get from the local sporting goods store. I have never dried any of my workout clothes in a drier and was still experiencing that problem. The "Win" detergent has really solved the problem.

Oh and I also like to put white vinegar in the fabric softener compartment. Really helps to rinse out all the leftover soap and everything.
I've heard not to use any type of fabric softener. Apparently, it "gunks" up the fibers so the odors and dirt are more difficult to rinse out.

Not sure how true that really is, but I have been doing my workout clothes load w/out fabric softener and I've not noticed any odor issues.

I also do the "double rinse option" too.

Take care, Lynn M.

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