Ode to Table 11 (RT thread)


Ode to Table 11

You sat in the back with us
They never even looked our way
We thought about throwing bread (but didn't)
We put on our game faces instead.

Regardless of 'daggers' and stares
It was all just good clean fun
You were #1 in our eyes
And wasn't THAT the ultimate prize?

We salute you.....

From Table 12
I salute any table who knew a lot of the trivia answers. Most of the questions were tough. I'm glad that the prizes were VHS tapes, otherwise I think bread would have been flying!! LOL
OOPS!!! It's the fourth pic in my album on my picture trail. (I downloaded the HAPPY picture, not the MAD one) lol

It's there now! ROFLMAO

As a member of table 11, I would just like to say thank you for taking the time to recognize us. It's about time SOMEONE did! :+

Great poem.
Sorry I missed out!

You ladies are gorgeous! :)

A few quotes from me :):
"Life is short so be the best you can be every single day of your life!"
"My game face is on almost every morning at 5AM!"
From another table 11 reject, thank you for your support table 12. Although we were dejected and ignored during the trivia game, your support and love made it worthwhile. While the rest of the room (those beyond the pole which divided us) laughed and played, all while winning luxurious prizes, we stuck together and held our heads high. We have no shame girls, for we know who we are.



Hi tables 11 and 12 (I was table 10).

Great poem!!! I also loved the pic too! I think we will have to figure out a better way to recognize who "beeps" in first for Cathe trivia. Glad everyone had a blast, though. :)

I was at table #5, right at the pole and won nothing x(
I think 3 ladies at my table won gifts. We were the center of the room and buzzed in so loud on many questions I thought the tables shook, but no recognition and Table #1 was victorious. It was all in good fun - what a great way to get everyone involved.

here's my poem gayle:

Table 11 got jilted and was even ignored
but they still had a blast and were not all bored
Questions were asked and papers flew up
and Allison even knocked over a cup
I tried to buzz first but was not pointed out
no matter how high I jumped or how loud I would shout
I wanted to win a discontinued tape
to workout to and improve my shape
I won nothing and left unaffected
even though, when overlooked, I felt rejected
The game was a hoot and all was in fun
so sorry you were excluded table 11, now I've gotta run

OK here is my poem:

Ode to Table 12

Way in the back
Beside our own table
Was table #12
Who were willing and able

to answer the questions
in every round
but alas, they were skipped over
as if they'd made no sound

With bread balls at the ready
to sling into the crowd
We'd fling our discontent
At the front tables who were so loud

But with a toast and a chuckle
to our fellows in good cheer
instead we sat back and laughed
and drank another beer

Cheers ladies!!

I'm cracking up reading your post as hard as I was that night . . . even without the glass of wine.

Oh my goodness Gayle, when I read the thread title I just about died!!! The picture of you laughing at us when I looked over to your "Table 12" popped in my head and I just cracked up!!!!!:7 Thanks for the poem - I feel all better now!

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