any out there that find themselves constantly thinking about exercise, reading everything related-- constantly thinking about your next workout--- trying to educate themselves on every area of health...
i have a lot of time on my hands this summer and have just got wild-- i've made a notebook with different routines, i plan my day around my workouts, i only read fitness mags, my fav places to shop are sports related--- even went to Tuesday Morning today and came out with a great yoga bag--- went to a vitamin shop and sat and read a great book about body friends are getting concerned..
i love it! i also love this forum--- i visit here at least 3 times a day--- i've learned so much--- thanks to all.
i have a lot of time on my hands this summer and have just got wild-- i've made a notebook with different routines, i plan my day around my workouts, i only read fitness mags, my fav places to shop are sports related--- even went to Tuesday Morning today and came out with a great yoga bag--- went to a vitamin shop and sat and read a great book about body friends are getting concerned..
i love it! i also love this forum--- i visit here at least 3 times a day--- i've learned so much--- thanks to all.