Oat/wheat bran question


Is it better to cook or can you have bran raw? Is there a difference? I'm asking because my DH mixes these with protien powder, flaxseed, and milk every morning. I'm wondering if it would be more benificial if he cooked it.

ps. It tastes absolutley disgusting the way he has it.;)

You can eat bran either raw or cooked (or added to muffins, or mixed into oatmeal). By eating whole oats (or cracked oats) you'd be getting quite a bit of oat b{ran, so could use less in other forms. [DH's "drink"sounds rather chewy!]
My advice is to keep encouraging him to drink this stuff. There are probably many wives on this forum that wish their dh's were drinking this mix as opposed to what they currently are drinking. :) :) :)

Three cheers for dh!!!!

Oh, also, he probably knows already, but make sure he follows this cocktail with lots of water to help wash it through. I know when your drinking ground flax seed you need to be sure to get lots of liquid with it and raw bran may increase the need as well.

What protein powder is he using? He may want to consider finding a more "flavorful" drink mix. Myoplex Lite Chocolate Cream is actually pretty good. I couldn't describe it myself but Cathe said she thought it tasted similar to chocolate cake mix & I think that's pretty close. Also, if he is using only 8 oz of milk, he may want to add 8 oz of water to make it less thick.
Thanks everyone! He says the taste isn't that bad. It's that you have to drink it instantly or the flax will absorb all the milk and get pasty. He puts in Optimum vanilla whey protien. He also told me it keeps him from snacking and makes him feel good all day.

I am lucky to have a DH that likes to eat right. He's a good cook too!
But then, when I'm snarfing down a cookie or two, he gives me that look.:eek: So, it has it's drawbacks.:D

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