>Jody, I've only had mine a couple of weeks so I don't know
>how they'll endure but they certainly give you more closet
>space. I can't believe the difference! Your clothes aren't
>going anywhere once you put them on these. You just have to
>position your tops on the hanger since the clothes don't move,
>you kind of have to align the shoulder area to the curve of
>the hanger. Other than that, they're good to go. I have
>noticed that since you can put clothes so close together,
>there's a chance of them getting more wrinkled but you'll see
>what I mean once you get them. So far I think they're great
>but I still haven't gotten over how much money I could have
>saved at BB&B. x( again!
Thanks for the feedback Bam! I think I'm going to buy a couple sets to try them out and then if they work buy some more! Sorry you missed out on saving some $$ by getting them at BB&B, that's always the problem with getting something on tv - you think you're getting a deal, and then a month later they show up in stores! Believe me, you aren't alone!