O/T Can you name three things...


[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jun-18-02 AT 10:00AM (Est)[/font][p]that you like about YOU!!!

I posted this over at the Firm Ya Ya's, but thought it would be fun here too.

I always try to keep positive, and with so many things going on, I find that one of my best tools to keep taking care of me (physically, spiritually, and emotionally)is to make sure that I remember that I am special. So, three things I like about me:

1) I am a good wife and mother. I know how to keep family first. My husband and children know that they are greatly loved.

2) I am loyal and honest. If someone tells me a secret, I take it to my grave.

3) I am crafty and can teach just about anyone how to a) take better pictures (photography); b) knit: c) crochet; d)scrapbook; e) cook; f)sew.

Okay everyone!!! Now it is your turn. Name three things you like about YOU!!! Come on...you're worth the recognition!!!
Cool thread....I gotta think about this a bit...

Let's see:

1. I like that I have been exercising/working out for over 20 years now and am still going strong with it.

2. I like my sense of humor. It's gotten me out of some "tense" situations!

3. I like that despite the fact that I'm 42 years old, I am still able to act like a little kid sometimes! (i.e. just the other day, I was skipping across the parking lot....my husband thought I was NUTS!!!)

Wow! This was unexpected! Lemme think . . .

1. I've been sober for almost 15 years now, and that freedom from alcohol (if not alcoholism) has been the absolute crucial foundation for becoming a productive and loving citizen;

2. I start my husband's day each day with "I love you", and also say good-night to him by saying "I love you" - he's so sweet;

3. Over the past 10 years I've become a committed, intelligent exerciser as well as a kick-butt aqua aerobics instructor (I like to think of myself as the Cathe Friedrich of the indoor pool!).

Thanks for the upper! I'm looking forward to reading everyone else's posts!

Annette Q. Aquajock
:):):):):) (The only emotion icon I've mastered
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jun-21-02 AT 12:33PM (Est)[/font][p]I like this thread! Okay:

1. I like that I am no longer anorexic and causing my family and friends heartache. And now I am healthier and happier!
2. I am always have the loudest laugh in the room. It may be annoying to others, but I like it!
3. I like how every email or note from my husband ends with SHMILY (see how much I love you)!

P.S. Aquajock, congratulations on your sobriety. I am a teetotaler because alcoholism is rampant in my family. I really admire you.
RE: To Jillybean . . .

I have to say "right back atcha" for intelligently choosing to be a teetotaller given your family history. No one ever died from NOT taking that first drink. I wish I had had your foresight.

Congrats to you as well for conquering your anorexia. Not many can say that!


I am BLOWN away by your incredible successes!!! You both have something to be incredibly proud about!!! Way to go!!!

Keep them comin' everyone. This is so awesome to see your success and strengths, and it also is incredibly inspirational for the rest of us.

God Bless,
RE: To Jillybean . . .

Thanks Aquajock! We can both be proud of ourselves. One thing I hate to admit and I think about it every time I see your name - I have lived in the land of 10,000 lakes my entire life, and I don't know how to swim. Pathetic, huh?
RE: To Jillybean . . .

Not pathetic at all - the lakes in this state are so cold and loaded with so much milfoil, mallard droppings and boat fuel you couldn't get me into one of them if I had a total-body wetsuit on!

I'll stick with the NWAC Hiway 100 chlorinated pool myself, thank you!


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