nutritional calculation assistance


I am in need of some help figuring out nutritional calculations.

I know my daily calories and fat grams. How do I figure out what percent those fat grams are in ratio to the calories?

My calories are 1,400 and fat grams are 29.

Right now, I’m not too concerned about protein and carbs. percent.

Thanks to anyone who will help.
I think first you need to know how many calories is the 29 grams of fat. Then I think you do

fat calories / 1400 x 100 and then you have a percentage. I think.

Somebody correct me if I'm way off here?

There are 9 calories in one gram of fat. So 261 of your 1400 calories are fat calories in your example, which means that 261 divided by 1400 = 18.6% of your calories are from fat.

Editing to say that 18.6% is officially a low-fat diet. I say that because advertisers are not allowed to advertize something as "low fat" unless less than 20% of calories are from fat. So, your diet is what is typically thought of as a low-fat diet.

Dutchie, you are right.
To add to what Nancy said:
In addition to 9 calories per gram of fat, there are 4 calories per gram of both carbohydrate and protein, and alcohol has 7 calories per gram.

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