Nutrition check-in


<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Jun-21-00 AT 05:05PM (EST)</font></center>

Hi everyone! I have an issue I need help with so I'll get right to the point.

I feel I have been doing too much stress eating lately and my question to all of you is what are your tips/strategies/suggestions, etc for how to handle this??

I do try to do some positive "self-talk" when I feel the urge to overeat or eat in conjunction with emotions rather than true hunger -- sometimes this works and other times it is SO HARD!

At times I feel this is really sabotaging any fitness gains I might be making.

Does anyone have any thoughts on this topic? Let me know.

Bringing this to the top!

Just moving this up to see if I can get anyone's input...Thanks!
stress induced eating

I'm convinced that humanity falls in 2 camps: those that find food a comfort when under stress/pressure & those that find stess kills their appetite. Love to hear some techniques from those that find comfort in food. I'm in the first camp & my only tip is to find something healthy to eat (eg baby carrots instead of M&M's).

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