Nutrition Buddies



I'm going to have to maintain for a week or two. Too many things going on in my life right now to add more goals. If someone wants to post a new goal, go ahead, I'll catch up.

You asked about my survival snack pack? I always take an apple, orange, or other fruit with me as a snack during a work or school break. I also fill a bag in my car with energy bars, and small zip lock I think, snack bags with dried apricots & soy nuts (check healthfood store for different brands with many different tastes & calories). I've also considered a small peanut butter jar with mini baggies full of triscuits. When I get sweet cravings, candies such as Ice (new) and Hershey's Tastetations (chocolate)cut my cravings. Also, one or two mini baggies in my purse when I can't get to my car. Some of my ideas. Yours?

I want to thank you Helen

I started eating more fruits, and my cravings DID go way down! Well, until I ate all the fruit in the housewhich was Tues. Iwas eating fruit like it was going out of style!! Anyway, my only idea is with fat intake. I've been logging on to and they have a food diary there that I been doing and when you're done it tell you what % of carbs, fat and protein you've had fot the day{it tells you about your calcium too}. Anyway, it's VERY easy to go over the 30% mark in fat!! I trying not to go above 25% without sucess!! So that's my goal idea no more than 30% intake of fat. What do you think?
Decent week-

This week went pretty well, but not as well as I wished. Typical, huh?
Helen- I think I will maintain for a bit too. We are going away for a fer weeks, and I will have sporadic internet access (at best), so will be MIA for a while.
Aimee- I love the 25% fat idea, but have never been able to do it. I know I should- have known this for years, but that ends up being very low for me. Someday I hope to do it, but am slowly trying the stealth method of finding lowfat meals I like, and adding them in, and eating more fruit and veggies, and hoping that takes. Hasn't yet, but I am slowly improving.

Anyway, catch everyone in a few weeks.
I've been a bad girl, yet again...

I believe it's because I don't eat more veggies daily that I get strong cravings for Haagen Daaz Ice Cream...
Oh, well, I'm not perfect and I'm beginning to accept that. Some days are good and some could be better. I guess I'm not all that motivated with counting calories or watching my fat intake very closely at the moment. I just got back from Lake Tahoe, water-logged and sun-burned, (even if I'm dark-asian skinned I found I CAN still burn..)
and I'm having the best summer I've had in a long time cause I'm not stressing on what my body looks like in a bathing suit. If I really ponder about it, I look pretty dang good, thanks to Cathe, The Firm & teaching cardio and BodyPUMP classes. I could stand to loose more bodyfat and look like a fitness model, but it's not my personal obsession anymore...(I think I'm getting some ground on reality here) anyhow, needless to say, I'll still watch my veggie intake since I'm iron-deficient anemic and have a genuine concern for my cholesterol and not overdo the ice cream. Luckily I only enjoy it during the summer!
Good luck gals!
I'm so envious!!

Lake Tahoe!!! I grew up in California but have lived in North Carolina for the last 4.5 years. It is very beautiful here but NOTHING could compare to Lake Tahoe.....

And, just thought I'd add that I, too, have decided to put away the 'bad body' talk because, hey, I workout too. If we can't be confident now, then when? So many I know never do anything, I am just grateful to have the motivation and Cathe tapes (etc) to rely on.

Hang in there, its O.K. to treat yourself - balance (in ALL areas - eating, exercising, playing) is the key to me.

Nobody's perfect

I don't watch my fat and calories very much either, I thought that if I marked everything down everyday that that would help, HA! everyday the trainer says to me,"you're getting too many calories from fat cut back." Man, that's hard!! I will try to do the 25% goal, but I'm with Myra, we exercise just about everyday and we do the best we can with our nutrition. So what if we're not perfect, we do a lot more for ourselves {health and vanity wise} than most people and everybody who tries to take care of themselves should be proud of themselves!! Thanks for the inspiration Myra, I'm going to Fla. tomorrow and I've been fretting, but you put things in perspective for me. Thank you very much!!

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