

Hello everyone,
I was wondering what type of nutrition plan everyone follows. I have been following the eating for life method for 10 weeks and have lost a whopping 2lbs. I have done weight watchers in the past and was very successful (lost 35lbs) but I was ALWAYS hungry! I didn't think that it was the "healthiest plan" either because it didn't take into consideration that foods that are realatively high in calories and fat, like salmon, are very good for you! I am really struggling to lose the weight again (I put 12lbs back on due to taking a few "vacations" from my eating lifestyle). I would really appreciate any help or advice you can share!
What I found that works is eating 5 or 6 times a day. I am a snacker and I love to eat throughout the day and I never eat large portions anytime of the day.
One thing that makes a huge difference is not to eat after 6pm. Most people seem to gain the weight when they eat the most before late dinners and large portions.
I mostly stick with low carb/sugar free snacks. I try to get as much as I can that is low carb, but I try to consume more protein and I do snack on lots of fruit and veggies/salads.
I have stuck with eating 5 or 6 times a day and it has really revved up my metabolism big time. There have been a few times when I went back to eating 3 times a day (working schedule, etc.) and the weight would sneak back on so unless I incorporated more workouts in my routine, but I don't always have the energy to be a maniac! LOL

I eat several times a day like Charlotte but I do eat after 6 pm. I eat lots of veggies (broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, red bell peppers), salads, fruit and lean protein and low fat cheeses. I usually have oatmeal and protein powder for breakfast. I do eat a Smart Ones ice cream cone after dinner...and/or Smart Pop kettle corn popcorn 94% fat free mini trans fats and 90 calories per bag. I usually consume approx 1400 calories per day.
When I first started exercising consistantly, I bought my EFL book. I lost 10 pounds, pretty easily. Now I look in the mirror and I see no budges. Those 10 weren't suppose to be there any how so I guess they took off in a hurry. I now just eat, and *think* EFL each time I eat. I do eat often. I watch the clock for my 3 hour feeding LOL and I just go from there. I am not a regimented person to count calories. I just won't do it. I measure with my hand and enjoy. I could stand to lose 10 more but I"m not going to do something I know I won't stick with. So, EFL works. now, what time is it again??? Have my apple and Cottage cheese for the next round.

Working towards Perpetual Motion
I eat 6 meals a day too. I get too hungry if I eat less meals and then I want to eat more. I just space them out so it looks almost like I am always eating. I find this is better for me. I do try to eat things that are better for me too.
HI there. I too follow body for life and use some of the recipes out of the eating for life book. However, one important note is that not all recipes in that book are truly BFL approved. I find the best results when I stick to the original bfl book. I have the best results when I cut out all white flour, sugars etc. There are some recipes I use in the EFL book but am very careful about which ones I choose. There is also another great info site at (i think) that provides some good info on how to "tweak" bfl if it isn't working for you.

Maybe you should give the "pure" bfl a try for a few weeks?

Here is a typical day of eating for me:

M1: protein shake - or cottage cheese + yogurt
M2: cottage cheese + oatmeal - or - cottage cheese + 2 eggs
M3: salad + chicken breast - or 1/2 sandwich (ham or tuna) + salad
M4: Myoplex Lite or Promax bar
M5: chicken and veggies sauteed' in pan + brown rice
M6: apple + swiss cheese + 1 tbs LF peanut butter if I have a sweet craving

**Note: my friend won BFL a few years ago and the above is VERY similar to the menus she followed! Her best advice was to not cheat and follow BFL by the book!

Hope this helps!
I follow the BFL plan pretty religiously for 6 days a week and then when it is my "free day" let's just say it doesn't get much free-er than my free day! I think this is a huge source of my problem...oh but I love my chocolate and pb!!!!:9
I too go crazy on free day and find that I do better during the week when I have a real free day :)

I do have to say that my friend who won BFL and went from a size 14 to a size 6 did take advantage of free day. She swares by the fact that her success was not cheating! She stuck to the diet, ate tons of lowfat, high protein foods and made sure to be good 6 days a week. She also said "intensity" was key during workouts. She also added extra cardio and sometimes worked out 7 days a week.
i have lost 14 lbs since January and it has been a lot of trail and error! i restricted calories at first and got no response. then i tried calorie staggering. not much differnce. Finally, i tried a modified version of WW Core Plan. All the fruit and veggies i want with a starch 1/day(wheat toast, potatoes, brown rice, whole wheat pasta) and alot of protein!!! i don't eat anything with sugar(aside from what is in fruit) and nothing with white flour. that took alot of getting used to. i drink water only (except for my 1 cup of coffee which i REFUSE to give up) and don't skip any meals.

i also started doing more strength training in my workouts.

i stray from this one day a week so i don't feel too deprived. but now, even on my cheat day, i don't always feel like cheating.

I love Pizza. Do you eat pizza on your free day? I can do the no white bread etc. but my pizza, oh man, drewl,,, slobber slobber... lol

Working towards Perpetual Motion
I usually eat pizza and milk duds on all my free days. I'm an addict..I admit it!

Like someone posted INTENSITY in workouts is the key factor. Strict clean BFL diet during the week also help :)

Typical day for me:

4 slices extra lean Jenni O Turkey bacon, 8 grams of ff cheese, 1/2 cup oatmeal
EFL: Turkey Meatloaf, mashed potatoes
Couscous Patties from: 1400 calorie reciopes (basically couscous and egg whites plus seasoning)
EFL: Lettuce wraps, corn, asparagus and mushrooms
Fettucini Alfredo from:
CC, fruit

I alternate pasta one week and the next instead of the fettucini I have: extra lean ground turkey, 1 can canned tomatoes, 1 can lentil soup progresso, 1 can corn. Brown turkey, add ingredients, simmer about 20 minutes.

I also do a lot of egg/egg whites plus leftover mashed potatoes from Turkey meatloaf

Jes- that is huge...14lbs since January!! WOW, you go girl!!! I read your post and know you are working out hard so I guess I shouldn't be too maniac!!! You'll have to start posting pics for us all to see!!


Here's my free day agenda.... }(

-Killer step class at gym in morning + possible combined LB or UB wt workout (usually I take a free day from working out mid week and free day food on Sat)
-Protein bar on the way home
-Mexican restaurant w/all the fixins for lunch or a tuna sandwich if we stay home
-Skor candy bar (yummy!)
-Pizza for dinner
-Micro popcorn w/butter
-Girlscout cookies

Yes.... a pig I know it!!!!! But I sware when I pit out on free day it is sooooooo much easier to be good during the week. :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :9 :9 :9 :9 :9 :9 :9 :9 :9 :9 :9 :9

This is my sad little attempt at portion control. Isn't the kettle corn yummy?

As you see, sometimes I wander from the perimeter of the grocery store. When I do, sometimes I find little treasures like this :7
glad to know others are "little piggies" too!!! i have 1 1/2 weeks left on BFL and am determined to finish!!! I tried to be intense in my workouts and for cardio I WAS!!! I ran hard 3x week, but it was only 20 min. I don't think that is enough cardio. I pushed hard in the weight workouts but due to wrist and knee injuries found it very hard to reach "high points" due to the HEAVY weight I was having to use. I have stopped doing the weights like this and started doing Cathe's videos for weights (just finished gs chest, back,and biceps for the first time!!) My hope is that with more intense workouts with Cathe that I will still be able to enjoy my cheat,I mean free day;-), and hopefully start to see results!

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