I started a bit after Judy and though I don't lift as heavy or add as much cardio as she does, I also am amazed at the results.
And Judy was much stricter with her diet, probably still is, but I eat clean probably 90 - 95% of the time, basically not eating sugar and white carbs, but sometimes indulge in light beer and chips or eat out a night a week or so.
I feel more defined and stronger than before and that is after only Stage 1. Because that stage was over 6 weeks and my cardio throughout was only running on my TM, I took a two week break in between and did a circuit type rotation with Cathe DVD's. I was getting tired of the same routine week in and week out.
Stage 2 is shorter and I think I'll be OK this time around. Plus I just bought some Cardio Coach and they are great.
Agree with Judy - pop on over to the check in - there are others over there doing a couple of Alwyn's other workouts and seeing good results as well.