Not sure I can resist Susan Harris


I keep getting notifications from FitPrime about the new Susan Harris workouts. I've never seen a FitPrime workout, but Susan Harris originally inspired me to start working out at home back in the eighties and I am very curious. Has anyone tried these workouts? How do they compare to my beloved Cathe workouts? I'm concerned if I own too many workouts, I may get overwhelmed. How would I fit these into my routine? I'm not sure I can resist Susan Harris! Thanks for any input.
The new Susan video is getting good reviews over at the firm ya yas forum. People are saying that it's quite challenging and a great time crunch workout. Everyone is saying the music is great as well. I'm sorta interested in getting this one too. My only concern is I'm always confused over the whole aerobic weight training concept. Some experts say that weights and aerobics should never be combined (the article here on the front page of Cathe's forum seems to agree that the 2 should be separate for maximum benefits). I like aerobic weight training - I think it's a lot of fun, in fact it's my favorite workout. But it bothers me that I might not be getting "maximum benefits" as I've heard so many times. I sure wish some expert would prove once and for all that AWT is a good idea or a bad idea.

Maybe I should just do what I think is fun and leave it alone? Is that what you ladies do?

Nancy, I'm sorry to ramble on your thread.

I don't have the new Susan Harris video so can't answer your questions but have been seriously thinking about ordering it.

I REALLY don't need another workout right now. I have so many that I need to dispose of. BUT, the temptation may prove to be too strong and it might be a good filler until the new Cathe's come out.

I've been on the fence for quite awhile about the Fitprime video with Heidi Tanner (can't think of the name). It is supposed to be good also. I just wish they were on DVD.

Heidi's workout is called From the Ground Up (FTGU) and is wonderful. I really like it. The music is great and the workout leaves me feeling energetic. Susan's workout is on my wish list and I'll probably order it next month. I have to say that the FitPrime workouts keep getting better and better.

The only thing I'd like to change is the fact that I can't get them on DVD!

I recently got Vol. 1 and love it (with modifications, of course). I enjoyed it so much I got Vol. 4. I am sure someday I will get Susan's latest. I think she's a terrific instructor.
I did From the Ground Up last night and the more I do it the more I love it. I agree that the music is great and I love the way Heidi keeps reminding us about technique. I have a strong tendency to curl my toes in my shoes when working out, which doesn't help much with balance! :7 I just love it when Heidi says "Check your feet" or even better, "Where are your feet?" Her style is really good.

Does anyone have Weights First? What can you tell me about it, or even better, if you don't like it, would you like to trade or sell it?

I say get it!! I DID IT TODAY AND LOVED IT! It burned 250 cal in @ 40 min. It was challenging but enjoyable. It was deceptively tough. Strong Bear, Fast Cheetah and From the Ground up are excellent too. Well, I like all of them. My least favorite is Steaming Cardio. They are a nice change from the usual!!
I did it this a.m. also and LOVED IT!!!! Course, I love Susan....She was my first. :p

Lisa, I say do what you like! FitPrime is different than Cathe and the FIRM and everything else. I tried the first 2 and just gave up on them. I didn't like them...too quirky...didn't like the weighted ball...yada, yada, yada. Really, tho, I was just mad that they weren't like my old FIRMS and they weren't like Cathe and they weren't like *anything*. Then, I had a friend (who loves just about all workouts....FitPrime included), say that FitPrime has a learning curve. So, I gave them another shot and VIOLA! I'm enjoying the difference in them. PLUS, they make my glutes sore! :+ Can't beat that. :p

Yes! Get new Susan tape! It is awesome! I have all of FP and love them. Streamin Cardio is my least favorite too. Strong Bear is my favorite because I love weight workouts. Fast Cheetah is great though too. They are challenging wo. I stay in my zone for most of wo. Weights First is a tough lower body wo-lots of lunges. I love Cathe wo but nothing keeps my butt firm like old Firms and FitPrimes!
Not at all Lisa! I absolutely agree. I love the idea of aerobic weight training, and wish it worked well, but I have serious doubts.
I'm going to have to get Strong Bear too at some point. I have to buy them slowly though, or else I get overwhelmed if I have too many new ones at once. So what does Susan look like after all these years? When I was little, they made a doll called "Skipper" that was Barbie's younger sister. That's what Susan looked like in the 80s: a perfect blonde Skipper doll.
I would get them,

look at the bodies of the firm/fitprime instructors, the workouts cant be all that bad.
Anyway the firms were the ones that made me really see that I could change my flabby body with weight training.
Also they have given me this round high J lo rear end.
I also have both tracy longs strong bear and fast cheetah,and I really like them for variety ( susan harris here I come!).
Cathe though has been an investment that I will never regret, but even I get bored of eating caviar every day.

sneak peek

I just did this workout this morning and enjoyed it! It was nice to workout with Susan again ! She brings back some old stuff with some neat new stuff too w/ an added twist(love the one legged goood morning move combined with the tricep kickback) ! I also could tell that Tracie had some influence to the choreography! This was a refreshing change of pace!

Here's a review/breakdown from Firmheels over at

Review of FitPrime's Crunch Time with Susan Harris
I tried to post this for you all hours ago, but my computer crashed in the middle of it. Here's the breakdown and review I posted over at FP.

Crunch Time Review


~ Side stretches
~ Rib cage reaches (Volume 1 anyone? )
~ Rib cage with knee flexion
~ Squats with twists and knee raises
~ Warrior pose
~ Downward-facing dog


~ Side squats with weights
~ Squats with abductions and curls & overheads

Dip Sequence on weaker side

~ Balance dips with knee lifts and bicep curls, hyperextensions with rows
~ Releve’ (sp?) on the toes with the stick in slight lunge position – lift stick to the shoulders, then over the head – great balance move (remember this from HH!)


~ Hips side to side with jump roping arms
~ Slow jumps
~ Hopskotch (Lots of FUN!!), march back
~ Step and Pull-in for flexibility (increase range of motion!)
** I did this whole routine on my new rebounder!

Dip Sequence on dominant side

Upper Body

~ Lunge out with the legs and lat row
~ French press balancing on one leg (great balance move!)
~ repeat on other side

Leg Press weaker side

~ Classic leg press
~ Leg press with single, then double bicep curls
~ Sinking down on one leg toward the tall box – lots of balance – lots of reps – umm….ouch!!

4 Limbed Cardio

~ Side Toe with biceps and triceps (where she says, “This is definitely better than a diet.”)
~ Side toe and kick with a delt
~ Rocking horse type move (hip lift rear, knee up) with biceps and triceps
~ Finishes with LOTS of side toe and delt raises

Leg Press on dominant side

Tall box Cardio

~ Chugs
~ Slow jumps off the tall box – very fun! (Susan says you can sub leg press – I went for it all the way!).
~ Slow climbs

Plie’ Sequence

~ Plies with overhead press, alternating lifting the heel on either leg, lots of variations (e.g., slower, faster, one arm, both arms, etc.).
~ Plies with upright row, same variations
~ Plies with bicep curls

Plank Sequence

~ Downward-facing dog
~ Into plank
~ Runner’s lunge type stretch
~ Back to plank
~ Into tricep push-up (tough!!!)
~ Plank into down-dog, repeat

Upper Body

~ Triceps – really cool move where you lean over, pull the knee in (sort of like a good morning) then do kickbacks. Lots of balance here! Several sets.

~~ Put on ankleweights.

Lower Body

~ Squats with the stick on shoulders and twist side to side
~ Squats with abductions
~ Calf raises with stick on the floor

~~ move to floor

Floorwork – chest, legs, abs

~ Pec Flies
~ Inner thigh work lying on the back – similar to Strong Bear
~ Pullovers
~ More inner thigh
~ Roll-ups into a teaser variation
~ Crunches with variations
~ Single leg stretch move (similar to pilates move) – like a pulley- but pulling the leg in one at a time
~ More roll-ups

Final Stretch with yoga

Music: What we’ve come to expect from FP – only the best!

Set: Redesigned – different colors of paint, new artwork, pedestal statue – very nice and clean looking!

Editing: Picture is bright and pristine; editing is silky smooth.

Overall Impressions:
I loved it, of course! The first thing that comes to mind about this workout is: it’s straightforward. It gets the job done in a short amount of time with effective exercises.

I loved how the warm-up was the same music and exercises as the Live Weekend in HH – I’ll never forget that first class with Susan Harris! Susan has so much expression in her face, and she looks GREAT.

This is a workout that I will do often; there is absolutely no dread factor. I loved every minute of it. I feel great now – nicely worked out!

How can you resist now
RE: sneak peek

No, I cannot resist now. I will have to have it, even if it's not a DVD. I'll just make it a rotation unto itself. Thanks so much guys! Susan, here I come.
RE: sneak peek

Yes, this one is fantastic! I did it twice yesterday since I was just learning it. The second time I had the tape nailed.

Susan looks great, cues great, and the choreography is superb. This is one I will do a lot!

RE: sneak peek

Now, wait a minute folks. Fit Prime said there were TWO new Susan tapes. Which one is everyone referring to???

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