Not a DVD but, Cathe Live Workout - fee per month/workout


Have you thought of hosting your live workouts on the web, and then allowing the high speed cathelites sign up for them? Just like the people at your gym would? This we would get to see Cathe in her daily classes and have as much variety as a normal class would, as well as fun. And have the feel that we were in a live class.

RE: Not a DVD but, Cathe Live Workout - fee per month/w...

new poster - and allow those of us who are "afraid" to take your class AND BELONG TO THE GYM to get a head start before we jump right in.

I am SUCH a chicken...:+
great idea! I saw this available for yoga, but a Cathe connection would definitely get my money and time, especially if you could watch it anytime, not just during the schedule class time. I wouldn't need a high quality production just good sound and clear view of Cathe or other Cathe picked intructor.

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