Non-Step Cardios for Cathe-Beginner?


New Member
Hi! I'm Jess, just trying to make the transition into Cathe from Firms. I'm am advanced Firmer, but from what I've heard, that'd put me at a beginning Cather(Hee).

I don't have a step! I have Firm steps, but not the long ones... So I'm wondering if there are any cardios that don't require a step. Cardio Kicks sounds good... are there any others?

I heard wedding tape was good for beginners, but does that require a step?

And, I don't necessarily need beginner non-step workouts... I really like challenges, and progress quickly when I'm challenged! Thanks for any help at all!

Hi Jess,
As you mentioned, Cardio Kicks would be great. Also, you could get Maximum Intensity Cardio - the first section is very intense hi/lo (about 26 minutes I think) followed by a 30 minute step section. Also, I guess you could get Circuit Max - it has 2 sections of hi/lo, 2 sections of kickboxing and 2 sections of step in it. I hope you decide to get a step, though - Cathe's step workouts are fantastic!
Do you have a DVD?

Jess, ditto on all of Erica's recommendations and just incase you aren't afraid to spend a little money;-), I'll toss in the recommendation of the Cross Train Express on DVD. I say DVD because it just makes it real easy to program/customize and pick out all the hi/lo from the various workouts.

The series contains quite a few selections of hi/lo(including a mini version of Cardio Kicks) that you could mix and match and you'll get the bonus of strength and samples of Cathe's step, circuit and interval workouts.

It's not a bad starter package...a bit to bite off for a first time Cathe purchase especially if you haven't done Cathe before, but if you are breaking in on the hi/lo and becoming accustomed to Cathe's style and cuing through that, I think the step will come easier might even find that you can do some of the step on the floor as a hi/lo. Plus if you are already doing strength work with the Firm, you may just love the endurance stength on these tapes too.

And if you don't want to gamble on whether or not you'll like Cathe's workouts with that big of an investment right off the bat(understandable;-)), then I would go with Cardio Kicks as my first choice, followed by MIC:7
Hi Jess,
Yes, you definitely have to have a regular step to do the wedding video. I have the shorter version step and I still run out of room sometimes. If you buy a step, don't make the mistake of getting a shorter one like I did - spend a few extra dollars and get the full size one. You will need all the space for Cathe's workouts. WELCOME!!!
Hi Jess, and welcome! I think most of us do both Firm and Cathe so we relate to your transition. Here's a suggestion I didn't see in the replies from the others.

A few weeks ago, I went overboard on one of my workouts and the result were a couple of very sore hamstrings. I wanted to do cardio the next day and an idea just lept in to my head - why can't I modify Cathe's step tape to the floor only? I tried it with Body Max flat on my aerobic mat - left out the lower body circuit (because of my toasted hamstrings) and continued with the the upper body portion. It was very successful and I felt I had a good workout.

Just a suggestion - might work well for you.


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