
Hi Everyone,
I must say althhough this is my 3rd baby I don't remember it being like this.
My beautiful little Serena Grace takes 15 minute cat-naps through out the day.
so I get no time to work out except at night.
I also have construction going on in my house so at night when my husband gets in at 8:30 pm sometimes I am so exhausted or too busy(picking out tiles,floors running to home depot and so on) to exercise i feel really horrible about this because I have about 50 pounds I would like to lose.
How can I get maximum results with so little time.
Hi Marisol,
This probably isn't much help, but can you take Serena for a walk during the day either in the stroller or a baby carrier? At least that's something you can do that you both may enjoy while she's awake and you will get some exercise benefits from it. Also, if you know you are not going to have time for a "formal" workout, maybe you can just try to squeeze in some push-ups/dips/squats etc. just to stimulate your muscles?
This is a really busy time in your life now - try not to be too hard on yourself! You said yourself that you are sometimes exhausted by evening - please take care of yourself - the weight will come off even if it's not as quickly as you would like!
2 words: BABY BJORN!

I was lucky because my 1st was a great sleeper, but I think you could probably do really well with a Baby Bjorn (or similar) carrier. The babies are often lulled to sleep by the movement (and they like to be up against your chest), and you can work up a sweat with them attached to you doing modified low impact moves, walking, squats, etc.

Also, have you tried a swing? Aaron used to either zone out or fall asleep every time I put him his swing.

Don't worry, she'll sleep longer soon. :)
RE: 2 words: BABY BJORN!

My first was just like hard to get anything done. My second slept in her car seat! I think it was the semi-upright position that helped, laying down seemed to make them both wake up (gas, I suspect) shortly after being put down. I talked to my doctor and health nurse and both said it was fine to do that. I would actually put the car seat in the crib, and she would sleep 3-4 hours right from the get-go and nap that duration during the day. Just my two cents. I will def. be doing the same thing for number three.
one more idea...

Do you have any neighborhood kids that can watch Serena for you while you workout?
Hope she starts sleeping longer for you!
Poor you!
I do know that feeling. Having twins one would sleep, the other was wide awake. Both took catnaps forever. I would drive around in my car so they would both sleep and my arms could get a rest. I agree with Erica, a good stroller could be a great alternative to the workout tapes for awhile. The stroller was my lifesaver. I was able to walk, my children got lots of fresh air, and I got out. I walked several miles a day and I felt great considering I never slept. This too shall pass.... :) KB
I certainly can sympathize with you. My son slept fairly well at night after about two weeks but it took a while to get the naps going well during the day because he wanted to eat constantly. The very idea! Anyway, the suggestions you have already gotten are great. We had a swing which was a life saver. He slept quite a bit in it. I was not working out at the time I had my son so I wasn't trying to fit that in but I don't think I would have had the energy. Just way too tired. If you're that tired your body really needs the rest right now. So don't be too hard on yourself. It WILL get better and you WILL have a little more time. Don't let your frustration get in the way of enjoying your little one. Later, I did use the stroller to takes walks with him and sometimes that worked and sometimes it didn't. Maybe after you feed him during the day you can lay him on the couch or floor and do a little exercise while he watches, maybe?? He might find it amusing. Lay him on your stomach while you do crunches. As you know, mothers have to constantly adjust to the changes of their children. I don't know if going to a gym is an option for you but a lot of them have child care.

Well, good luck and like I said it will get better. It is a joyous time as well as a frustrating time so just try to work in a tiny bit of time for yourself as you can. Let us know how it goes! SMILE, it could be a lot worse!!!!


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