non-Cathe video suggestions?? Need Help!


[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-02-02 AT 00:29AM (Est)[/font][p]Hi there! Wondering if you pros can suggest some non-Cathe videos. I hear (or read) many of you mention the Firm and Karen Voight, Powerstrike, CIA etc. I obviously don't have a million bucks to spend on a new set but am thinking of purchasing maybe 5-6 new non-cathe videos and would love to hear your expert opinions.

I am looking for the following:
*Circuits (combining strength and cardio)
*Tough cardio

I consider myself an advanced exerciser. Most of the Reebok series got too easy for me and I gave most all of them (except the classics) away so I am really not interested in anymore Reebok. I also gave my Tae Bo videos away only because I was tired of them!

I saw some of you say that some of the new Karen Voight DVDs are good?? Are there any specifics that are awesome?

I think I am going to purchae the Powerstrike III because I have seen many of you rave about it! So... that leaves me 4-5 more! Plus I want to make sure I get a Yoga video because I have never tried it before and think I could really use a good stretch!

I know probably nobody has any tapes as good and tough as Cathe's. However, I could use a few more to mix it up:)

I thank you in advance for your responses and soooooo appreciate your advice and any help you can provide :-jumpy

Hi Pammer,
I've got Powerstrike ML I and II. They're both awesome. Not too much high impact but intense stuff. If you want a tough CIA, give Helen Vanderburg's RAW and Fusion a try. It's got a little of everything. She does an interval section, kickboxing, weights (circuit type) and a 20 min. yoga based stretch section at the end. It's killer. I'm not a big fan of Mindy Mylrea's but I've got 2 of her interval tapes and they're pretty tough. Not IMax tough but pretty close. Interval Express and Extreme Intervals and Pump Party. PP is at the end of Extreme Intervals, a weight section. I haven't done that part of that tape. Nobody does weights like Cathe. :)


Can I recommend:

Mindy's Strength Express (it has more cardio than most of Cathe's tapes strength tapes but you still get a good workout and you can use a barbell instead of a bodybar>

Kari Anderson has some good step tapes I'm too frightened to do the 2 I have.

Kickboxing I love Janis Saffrell and the CIA kickbox workouts but the instructors do make noise.

Not sure what else I can recommend not sure what you like in your instructors as that has a bearing on whether you do the tapes (well it does for me).

Hi! For strength I'd recommend CIA's Power Bar Training, or for slightly less intense, but high fun factor, Body Pump. Any of the Powerstrike videos are good kickbox choices. For tough cardio although you said no Reebok, I still feel Reebok's Intense Moves is a good choice. Mindy Mylrea is the queen of intervals and is another good cardio choice. Other choices would be Christy Taylor if you're into dancey, complex choreography, Franny Bennedetto's stuff is slightly more athletic. I like to pop in Kathy Smith's PowerStep when I want a no-brainer good workout. For circuits, I heard Karen Voight's circuit tape isnt bad, but not at Cathe's intensity. Also I'm sure several FIRMs would fit the cardio/weights bill, I just dont happen to own any of them. I recently started to dabble in yoga, but cant get past alot of the meditation/spiritualness of some of the tapes. I have found Kathy Smith's Advanced Yoga and Bryan Kest's Tone to be doable though.

Hope that helps,

Hi Pammer,

I can only recommend 1 non-Cathe strength video since I am pretty Cathe exclusive on the strength training, but I do LOVE the video Body Pump. It's endurance style, much like PowerHour, except that it's only 45 min from warm up to cool down. It's a barbell workout and you work each body part to a song.

Most of my non-Cathe cardios are Charlene Prickett videos (low impact alternative), PowerStrikes 1,2,and 3, Tae Bo Get Ripped Advanced 1 and 2, Terri Reeves Cardio Strike Zone/Boot Camp (an odd little video! but I like it!), Mindy Mylrea's Extreme Intervals and Gin Miller's Intense Moves.

I've had others but gave them away from either outgrowing them or just not liking them. Cathe kind of spoiled me for good cardio! :)


Fitness~ it's a journey, not a race!
Some of my favorites:

Mindy Mylrea - Ultimate Bootcamp and Extreme Intervals

Reebok Intense Moves

Powerstrike Millenium 1 & 2

CIA 2102 Powerbar Training

Happy Shopping!! :)
I don't have many of non-Cathe because it's difficult to buy them in England, but I do have Karen Voight's Great Weighted Workout and I love that. It makes a nice change from heavy lifting sometimes.

I also have KV's Energy Sprint but have not used that since I took up Cathe.

Please excuse my ignorance but who is Powerstrike by? I can't remember seeing it anywhere. Where did you purchase it?
I know many have already recommended Mindy Mylrea, but to be more specific, I like her Body Bar Circuit workout (that is not the exact name of it, but you should be able to track it down). It gets you sweating and has a lot of weighted plyometric moves for the lower body.
For info on Powerstrike and to order you can go to I think also sells their stuff. For those interested in intense cardio, I think you'll be a little happier with Powerstrike Millenium 1 and/or 2, as 3 takes a slower pace that is better for toning and balance work than for killer cardio. --Karen
I am so sorry for not saying thank you sooner!! I have been soooo slammed at work it is nuts! I haven't even been able to visit the forum in over a week!

Thanks so much for all the great advice! I added several of your suggestions to my DH x-mas list (in addition to some Cathe equipment for the new series). I added Powerstrike III, Mindy, and Karen Voight. Figure that will keep him busy just finding those. I'll probably be lucky if I get one of them:)

Anyway, thanks again! I can always count on you pros!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-09-02 AT 12:31PM (Est)[/font][p][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-09-02 AT 12:22 PM (Est)[/font]

I may be too late in here, but I can't keep my mouth shut! :D

Firm Classics-Vols 1-4, Firm Cardio, Firm Strength, Upper Body Split, Lower Body Split
Mindy Mylrea- Interval Express, Extreme Intervals (She's a hoot!)
Cory Everson-Get Hard Arms & Shoulders (High Cheese-Good workout)
Fran Gern-Weights III (Really good workout, but without "atmosphere". Doesn't bother me, tho)
CIA-2102 PowerBar Training
Joyce Vedral-Bottoms Up Upper Body
Body Pump-YES!

I'll weigh in with a Yoga suggestion since no one seems to have any great recommendations for you. I've done a lot of Yoga tapes but Karen Voigt's new one "Yoga Focus" is the best one for overall flexibility and muscle tension relase that I've found. I think it's even helping me exercise harder and longer because my legs are staying fresher having been so completely stretched the night before. It's got some great strength and balance moves as well. Yoga strengthens your muscles in a completely different way than traditional strength training-it is very complementary to it. And you can definitely feel a difference in your muscle endurance after you've practiced it for a while.

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