I went to an all-day workshop yesterday, and a small lunch was provided: salad or sandwich of our choice. I chose a salad with tomatoes, mushrooms, green pepper, onions, black olives, with house Italian dressing on the side. I was imagining yummy big chunks of the veggies (with little or no lettuce, because it wasn't mentioned) and a nice oil/vinegar dressing with italian spices.
When I got their, I saw that MY definition of a salad was not quite the same as theirs. In the plastic container was a big pile of iceberg lettuce (maybe a few stray leaves of something darker), with very thinly sliced mushrooms (1 or two total!), very pale and thinly sliced tomatoes (I always do my tomatoes in chunks, but maybe the thin slicing is meant to disguise the fact that they are tasteless at best?), and the green pepper looked like 1 small slice of green pepper that had been shredded to bits. Oh, and there were some bonus carrot ribbons (2 or 3!) and about the same amount of purple cabbage (though more like 2 small pieces) as a bonus!
I used the non-recyclable/non biodegradable plate that we got at breakfast (which I intend to reuse until it falls apart---shame on them!) to dump out the veggies ingredients on (minus most of the lettuce), then I added some torn up romaine I had brought ;-) and cut up an avocado I had brought on top of it. Then it became more like my idea of a Imain course) salad (though I couldn't eat more than one of the tomato slices because they were so bad!).
Oh, and the avocado provided the fat in place of dressing. Their "Italian" dressing was a creamy dressing (??!!), and the Italian dressing one of the organizers offered me in place of it (that was in the fridge of the school we were at) was full of junk (like high fructose corn syrup, and the rest of the crap that's in cheap, processed dressings).
I had wondered about bringing my own lettuce and avocado (and new camping tool with a knife and spoon on, to cut the avocado up and scoop it out) but I'm glad I did!
No wonder salads have such a bad rep with many people!
When I got their, I saw that MY definition of a salad was not quite the same as theirs. In the plastic container was a big pile of iceberg lettuce (maybe a few stray leaves of something darker), with very thinly sliced mushrooms (1 or two total!), very pale and thinly sliced tomatoes (I always do my tomatoes in chunks, but maybe the thin slicing is meant to disguise the fact that they are tasteless at best?), and the green pepper looked like 1 small slice of green pepper that had been shredded to bits. Oh, and there were some bonus carrot ribbons (2 or 3!) and about the same amount of purple cabbage (though more like 2 small pieces) as a bonus!
I used the non-recyclable/non biodegradable plate that we got at breakfast (which I intend to reuse until it falls apart---shame on them!) to dump out the veggies ingredients on (minus most of the lettuce), then I added some torn up romaine I had brought ;-) and cut up an avocado I had brought on top of it. Then it became more like my idea of a Imain course) salad (though I couldn't eat more than one of the tomato slices because they were so bad!).
Oh, and the avocado provided the fat in place of dressing. Their "Italian" dressing was a creamy dressing (??!!), and the Italian dressing one of the organizers offered me in place of it (that was in the fridge of the school we were at) was full of junk (like high fructose corn syrup, and the rest of the crap that's in cheap, processed dressings).
I had wondered about bringing my own lettuce and avocado (and new camping tool with a knife and spoon on, to cut the avocado up and scoop it out) but I'm glad I did!
No wonder salads have such a bad rep with many people!