No Sweets March 11 - 17


Hello Ladies. It is time for me to re-focus at get back to the way things were. It was an "off" week for me last week, but I cannot continue that way. I do not plan to start my week off baking a cake or cookies, even though my kids enjoy them so much. I had been able to enjoy just the weekend treat until this past week.

I started my morning with 30 minutes of Cardio Fusion followed by some weight work on my husband's weight equipement. I had a few grits, turkey sausage and egg, grapes and water for breakfast. I have to stay focused in order to continue to lean out. I am determined to get back to clean eating this week.
I also had an off week last week, but I worked out Friday, Saturday and today, and ate well (besides a couple of small servings of ice cream I had yesterday). Today I did LIC cardio blast premix + PS:BBA. Tomorrow is definitely a rest day and I think I'll do yoga on Tuesday. I hope you all have a great week. :)
Affirm, I love your determination!!! I need to get back on track a little better myself. The last few days haven't been the best. Could have been much worse I guess. My workouts have been consistent which is good.

Rose, what kind of yoga do you do? I love PY4H but am looking for something more relaxing and stretchy. Do you have any suggestions?

I wonder if Jen is still checking in?? Haven't heard from her for a few days.

Isn't it Jen out of town? Last time I read one of her posts she was looking for dresses. Whatever it is I hope she's fine and I hope she comes back.

Catherine, I have a couple of videos and DVDs, but I use some more than others. I love anything Baron Baptiste, especially the Power Yoga Live Series (I have the longest one on video but I saw the 3 workout dvd at and I'm getting it as soon as I can). Yoga videos or DVDs I have and rarely use are: Iron Yoga, Hard Body Yoga, and Yoga the Practice with Beryl Bender Birch (this last one is because it is extremely advanced and it scares me to death :p ). I also go to Ashtanga (power yoga) and Bikram (hot yoga) classes, mostly Ashtanga, but I go to Bikram once in a blue moon when I *really* want to sweat. I hope this helps.

Edited to add: I don't think any of my recommendations is relaxing. You definitely stretch your body, but at the same time you work your body really hard to hold several asanas for a couple of seconds. I've seen several yoga dvds which are fairly easy and made for relaxation only, but I can't remember any titles right now. Go to and check out their selection.
Hi Ladies- How was your weekend?

Sorry, I haven't posted in a few days, busy weekend.
I did finally find at dress @ Charlotte Russe...Now I still need to find shoes & a wrap/Shawl.

Eating hasn't been that bad, I only cheated once yesterday and once today...:) LOL
Back on track tomorrow, I already have my lunch packed.(this always helps me). I am going to start following the Atkins Diet again. I think Phase 1 will help with the craving and beat them out of me...:) Does anyone follow this or South Beach Diet?
Here is my meal plan for tomorrow;

Egg Whites & Bacon/ Green Tea
Snack - Cucumbers w/ Ranch Dressing
Lunch - Salad w/ Chicken
Snack_ ??
Dinner- Some form of protein, alad & veggie.
Lots & Lots of Water!!
Do you think this sounds okay?

This morning I did L&G, Premix Extreme. I am def. sore already, I'm afraid how I am going to feel in the morning ... :0
Yesterday was KPC..
If I continue to follow Cathe Feb Rotation, Cardio Fusion is on the agenda for tomorrow...I'm not sure my legs will let me do this one though...:)
Maybe UB or Bar Method instead..

Take Care -
Talk to Everyone Tomorrow!!!

"Today is a Gift, Have Fun"

Hi Jen. Nice to see you posting again. I followed the Atkins diet years ago and I didn't last too long. The first few weeks I was mad all the time and I couldn't concentrate. I lost weight but I gained it back times two. I've been following the 3 Hour Diet (get the book by Jorge Cruise if you're interested) since Jan 10, 2006. I hate to call it a diet because it's not that. That book taught me how to eat, how much, and when. Cruise believes in clean eating, with the ocasional treat. That book really changed the way I eat forever. It's called 3 hour diet because you eat every three hours or so. One meal, then in three hours a snack, then a meal, then a snack until you've eaten 3 meals and 3 snacks. For my activity level the amount of calories he recommends is small but I increased the amount of calories of my meals (to around 500 cals sometimes up to 600) and the snacks I try to keep at around 100 cals each like he recommends. Another great book to read is "You on a Diet" by Oz and Roizen.
My eating has been on track as well today. I started the morning with Pyramid Upper Body.

Fitness Mom, I am glad you found a dress. I guess you are preparing for a special event. I hope you have fun.

The 3 hour book sounds great. I agree, I like the idea of a lifestyle change, versus a diet.
Hey ladies. Today was a rest day. I really needed it. I've been having sweets but in small portions. I'll get back on track in a couple of days. I'm just a bit stressed out because I have a meeting tomorrow.

I miss doing the pyramids. I do the PUB stability ball segment every 2 weeks or so. After I'm done with PS this month I'm doing a CTX rotation (which I have to plan well). I'm not a big fan of rotations because sometimes I have a workout scheduled for a certain day, then something happens and I can't workout and I have to move up the whole rotation to make up for the day I missed. I hate when that happens, but I will try to do a short rotation to avoid those situations.
Hey ladies! I came home with a migraine yesterday so didn't check in. I practically went straight to be. So no workout :( Didn't do bad with eating though. Feeling better today. BM2 is on my sched. I may do 1/2 tonight and the rest tomorrow. We'll see.
Hope you all are having a good day!!

Eating has been going well. Worked out on Sunday and Monday, but not Tues. and Wed. I had busy evenings those days and didn't get home until late. I am tired this evening too. I hope to feel well enough to get up and exercise in the morning. If not, a Friday workout and my Saturday swim will account for 4 days for the week, so I will just wait and see if I feel on Thursday morning.

I hope everyone is doing well.
Monday was my scheduled rest day, but I also took a rest day on Tuesday. I was stressed out and sleep deprived so there was no way I was going to push my body hard when all I wanted to do was sleep. My diet was horrible on Tuesday too (again stress), but I did better today. I was a bit tired to do a Cathe workout so I went to yoga instead. I was struggling the first 15 mins of yoga though but I stuck with it and by the end of the class I was doing poses I haven't done in awhile (I did the bridge pose! of course I got scared and I couldn't hold it as long as I would've wanted, but at least I did it and I was impressed). So my "workout" for today was a 70 min yoga class and I don't regret it. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to exercise tomorrow, but if I can't then I'll definitely do something on Friday.
It's Thursday morning and I just finished the standing legs portion of Butts and Gutts. It feel good to be back up exercising after 2 days off due to a very busy schedule. I get up at 4:00 to exercise, so when I have busy evenings it is just too hard to get up. I will check in later. Happy Exercising and Healthy Eating to you all.
How are you ladies?

Yesterday I did not exercise because I had major DOMS from yoga the day before (I'm telling you, I was feeling a lot of muscles I haven't felt in awhile: obliques, biceps, hamstrings, etc. it was really surprising to me, but I really gave 110% to that class on Wednesday). Today I got back to PS and this is the last month of PS because I really need to do something else. I'm planning a 2-3 week CTX rotation and it's looking really good so far.

My diet is another story. I've been struggling with it because this week was really stressful. Today I got back on track, but it has been bad from Sunday to Thursday. With all these days of cheating I would've given up on clean eating by now, but thanks to the check-in I got back on track. I had to post that I cheated, but I'm posting now that I'm going to do my best to eat clean again. This, of course, is affecting my plans of losing 2-3lbs in March because I haven't seen the scale go down. If I can't do it by the end of March then I won't beat myself up about it. That's what happens when I don't do what I have to do. I should've learned my lesson by now, but I never do. Hopefully I'll lose at least a couple of ounces though. :7

I had a great experience with yoga on Wednesday so I'm going to a class again tomorrow.

I hope you all have a great weekend.
I understand the muscle soreness. I was sore on Friday from Butts and Gutts on Thursday so I didn't workout Friday. Today is my swim day, so that will give me 4 workout days. My eating is much better than last week. I did have some animal crackers and one fun size kit kat ( 70 calories) this week, but so much better than last week.

You are so right Rose. Without this check in, I probably would have said "forget it" after a week like last week and just keep eating the junk, but I knew I had to refocus and get back to our program. I am glad you enjoyed yoga.
Hi ladies!! Sounds like everyone is maintaining focus. I have been slipping a little this week with diet. I had three migraine h/a }( No fun!! Of course then I feel like I deserve something- ya know. It's not been bad and is certainly better than before this check in. So I definately think this is working!! I think the h/a are coming from a lack of sleep- which I think is coming from the time change??

I did GSL today. First time in a LOOOOOONG time doing that one. I am gonna try Cathe's Dec rotation and see how it goes. Oh and I also did 18 total chinups.

have a great weekend!
Checking in...

Yoga was awesome. I was sweating buckets and my body was very flexible too. I was doing lots of poses I would've never done years ago. Since I weigh less and my upper body is stronger I'm doing things I've never done before. If I could do it every day I would, but I just can't because it gets boring. Once or twice a week is more than enough for me. Tomorrow I'm doing step + PS:CST. I'm hoping Cathe will have new DVDs in the summer/early fall and if she doesn't release anything by then I'm thinking of getting a chin-up bar and (*gasp*) P90X. I've seen the infomercial a couple of times and I think I can try it by the summer when I'm hopefully closer to my goal weight and much stronger.

My diet was soooooo much better today. Thank goodness! I'm going to try my best to keep it that way.

Catherine, migraines are the worst. I'm glad you're back on track.

Affirm, swimming does count as working out for a couple of days.

Take care ladies.

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