No sweets - Last week of February


Hello there! Well I'm struggling with my cravings and my inactivity because that time of the month is coming in a couple of days. Today I *was* going to do yoga, but I'm taking a rest day so I can give 100% to my workout tomorrow. I'm having crazy cravings too, but I'm trying to take calories into account. Oh and there's water retention (I gained 1.4 pounds!). I can't wait to get this over with. It's going to be a hard week for me.

So how are you ladies?

Edited to add: What are your plans for March? I would like to lose 2-4 pounds. I have to lose 12-15 to be at my goal weight. At the rate I've been losing weight since January of last year it's going to be a couple more months until I get there. I would also like to do a tank top arms rotation (maybe Marlene's or one of my own) after I lose that weight. In March, I'll keep doing my PS, but I'm varying my cardio. I plan to start CTX or something similar after I'm done with PS.

Affirm, Marlene's rotation can definitely be modified. Try to find information about those workouts you don't have regarding total length of the workout, how much time do they spend working out each muscle, and what type of lifting it is (if it is an endurance type workout or more strength oriented) and substitute those with the ones you have taking into account how much time you have to workout. It's not that hard. I've done it many times. :)
Hi Rose11~
Do you mind if I join the check-in?

I am also struggling w/ my cravings! Argh!!!!

Today, I did Body Max - This is my 1st day following Cathe's Feb rotation (Better late than never..:) )
I did so well, had a banana w/ PB before I worked out, and then had a Lean Cusine for lunch...and then BAM- My daughter was eating oreo's and I polished off at least 10! Why do I do this? I know I shouldn't as I am shovling them in my mouth, but I continue anyway!

>What are your plans for March?
I am looking to clean up my diet, and get at least 5-6 workouts in a week. My motivation sometimes is just not their, especially this past week...TOM :) I want to see increased definition, I am not looking to lose weight, just clean up!!

Thanks - Take care!
"Today is a Gift, Have Fun"

Fitness mom--welcome to our no sweets check in. We started in January and just have decided to keep it. In January, our goal was to go the entire month with no sweets. In February, we modified to include a few cheat days within moderation.

With limited sweets, cleaner eating and regular exercise, each of us have seen some improvements. We are currently thinking of our goals for March.

I look forward to hearing from you through out the month.
>Hi Rose11~
>Do you mind if I join the check-in?

Are you kidding me? Of course I don't mind! Welcome!!!! :D

>I am also struggling w/ my cravings! Argh!!!!
>Today, I did Body Max - This is my 1st day following Cathe's
>Feb rotation (Better late than never..:) )
>I did so well, had a banana w/ PB before I worked out, and
>then had a Lean Cusine for lunch...and then BAM- My daughter
>was eating oreo's and I polished off at least 10! Why do I do
>this? I know I shouldn't as I am shovling them in my mouth,
>but I continue anyway!

Wow I haven't had Oreos in a long time, but I sure love them. I just have this habit now that I check the labels for serving sizes and calories and thank goodness I end up eating less that what I used to eat awhile ago. Today I had a couple of kisses chocolates (darn it that time of the month just messes up with my head!)

>>What are your plans for March?
>I am looking to clean up my diet, and get at least 5-6
>workouts in a week. My motivation sometimes is just not
>their, especially this past week...TOM :) I want to see
>increased definition, I am not looking to lose weight, just
>clean up!!
>Thanks - Take care!

Those are great plans. I wish I could exercise 6 days a week but I rarely can because I don't have enough time so I do my bootcamp weekends were I give 200% to my workouts and they're usually pretty tough and longer than usual. I hope this check-in changes your life as it has changed ours. Take care.
Good Morning, Everyone~

Well, here it is Monday morning, so far so good...but boy was I tempted to stop at Wawa and get my donut and coffee...:)

I had a bowl of Go Lean Crunch & some strawberries for breakfast, plan on having a Lean Cusine for lunch.
Lo-Max is on the agenda for tonight!
I really think this check-in will be good to keep myself under control.

So, How is everyone today?

"Today is a Gift, Have Fun"

Good morning!

Well I've been struggling (not sleeping well, eating chocolate, etc.) and it's going to be like that until that tom comes and goes.

Jennifer, Go Lean and Go Lean Crunch from Kashi are good, but I hold a special place in my heart for Kashi's Heart to Heart, it tastes better than Cheerios (one of my favorites when I was growing up), but it has 110 cals per serving which lets me add fruit and soymilk without worrying about extra calories. Low Max is one of my all time favorite Cathe workouts. I always say I'm going to stop using it for awhile and I never do... I love to add the blasts at the end of other workouts and I do the step only premix ALL the time.

Well BM2 step and some legwork are in my schedule for today, but I didn't sleep well. Let's see if by the afternoon when I get home I have the energy to exercise. I'm going to cross my fingers.
I know isn't that the way it always works. I just can't get into working out in the morning. I was even up this morning (didn't sleep well), I just didn't have the energy to get out of bed and workout! Sometimes I sit here at work and pound it in my head, "I have to work out Tonight." LOL :)

Have you heard, or tried the supplement, Green Tea Extract? I have been seeing it in Giant...I must of picked it up and put it down a ton of time...:) It is supposed to curb your cravings and increase your energy. I am a little leary of taking it, since I don't want to lose weight, but anything to help me with cravings & energy would be great!!! A friend of mine takes it, and he says it really boosts his energy...

Have a Great Day!!

"Today is a Gift, Have Fun"

I used to take a vitamin supplement with Green Tea Extract about 2 years ago. Didn't make a huge difference. However if you're a coffee drinker I've read it's a good idea to drink green tea or white tea instead of coffee in the morning. Of course you need to get the ones with caffeine so you can successfully substitute one form of caffeine into another. Both green tea and white tea have antioxidants that coffee doesn't have.
I wish I could get up in the morning and workout!! I too sometimes lie awake and am just to LAZY to get up and workout. Then pound my head against the wall and think, I could have it all over by now. I used to workout in the mornings and loved having it done early. I just can not motivate to get up!!

So far today has been good with my eating. Planning DM tonight!!
Catch ya later chicks!!

>I wish I could get up in the morning and workout!! I too
>sometimes lie awake and am just to LAZY to get up and workout.
> Then pound my head against the wall and think, I could have
>it all over by now. I used to workout in the mornings and
>loved having it done early. I just can not motivate to get

I hear you their!! I used to get up every morning @ 4:30 for a couple years, I don't know what happened. I guess I got old..:p
I'll tell you, I wish I had the motivation to get up - I do remember feeling so much better having it done and over with. Plus my energy was much higher than!

So far, so good today.
Lean Cuisine for lunch / EAS Lo-Carb Protein Drink for snack - Lots of Water !!
Boy, do I have a headache, you think it is due to no sweets....:)

Take care -

"Today is a Gift, Have Fun"

Jennifer, you do go through a sort of carb withdrawl.

As for goals for March, I haven't really thought about it. Must contemplate that one. I am at my goal wt, but would like to see more definition. In order to do that I must lean out and add muscle. Can not do both at once though, hmmmmmmmmmmm... I am hoping doing Cathe's Nov 06 rotation will help some. Then I think I will do the Dec 06 rotation that uses the GS with the new ones. And of course clean up my eating.

Hello ladies. I started my morning with a 40 minute portion of Cardio Fusion. That workout is so much fun. It was my first time doing that one. I had whole wheat toast, peanut butter and banana for breakfast. I had sloppy joe on whole wheat, salad and orange for lunch. I had grilled pork chop, sweet potatoe and green veggies for dinner. No junk food today.

I hope to lean out a little in March also. I want to try to focus on working the upper body 3 days a week.
I had a great workout planned for today, but I was just too tired. I could only do the step portion of BM2 and I was having trouble keeping up so I did my best to finish the step portion and I did stretches on my own. At least I did something. I had some sweets throughout the day, but I ate less sugar than what I normally eat on these days of the month. This too shall pass. My dinner was 100% vegetarian so at least that was an improvement. I'm trying to eat less meat during the week to avoid that heavy feeling in my stomach. I will never get rid of meat though. I tried that once and it didn't work. :9
I hope I get my energy back too. Drill Max rocks my world. You know, I've never been able to do a chin-up on my own. When I had a gym membership they had a really cool machine at the gym where I could do them, but I always felt like I was cheating. One of the reasons why I want to be at my goal weight is to be able to do more upper body exercises. I already do almost two sets of push-ups on my toes when I could never finish one.
Affirm, I have Cardio Fusion and I've never done it. I read about the premixes it has on the video and dvd forum and now I'm curious. Maybe I should start previewing them soon so I can add them to my workouts.
Affirm, some how I missed your post Oh Boy Cardio Fusiob, that's a tough one for me. Fun, but it just never lets up. Do you keep your step at 8 inches. I can do it much better at 6 LOL!! But I still feel like I get a decent workout!!

Rose, about doing chinups- last year at this time I couldn't do one. Now I do sets of 3 at a time-P90X got me there. I was up to alomst 5 at a time (4 &3/4s)and I had a back injury and have gotten lax in building back up. Chinups are an awesome upper body exercise. Even using the machine with assistance is good. WTG on your pushups!! Another excellent upper body exercise. Keep up the good work!!

Well, I did Lo-Max tonight, I forgot how much fun that one is, the time flew by!!! NO sweets today at all, I really surprised myself, it was extremly hard!
Had Pasta for dinner...not the greatest, but I stuck to WW Pasta. My boyfriend is 100% Italian, so we tend to have pasta alot!

Cardio Fusion is one of my fave workouts, but this one kick my a*s everytime. I just did the step premix over the weekend, and I was gasping for air! I also like to do it on a 6inch step height, 8 inches now seems to really hurt my knees.

Take care-

"Today is a Gift, Have Fun"

I always use a 6 inch step for my workouts. I only use the 8 for a weight bench. When I am doing something like the short Timesavers, I or Cardio and Weights, I use the 8 inch to increase the intensity. Otherwise, it always a 6 inch. I just finished the cardio premix of Drill Max.

I hope to have a clean eating day ahead of me. I will post back in after work.

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