No sweets Check-in Feb 18-24


Hello ladies. This is our get back on track week. Surprisingly I didn't gain any weight besides my lack of working out and all the junk I ate. I guess that since I slept a lot I burned extra calories that way. That's the only explanation. I'm glad I didn't gain weight, but I didn't lose either so I definitely worked out like a maniac today: IMax 3 (intervals 6-10 premix) + PS: SL&A. I got three days of rest (didn't work out Thursday, Friday, and yesterday) and I think I had tons of energy accumulated. :) This is the first time since I've been doing IMax 3 that I did the premix without any modifications. I couldn't believe I did interval 7 as is and I wasn't out of breath on any interval. Of course my heart rate got up after the intervals, but I wasn't dying. I guess it's a combination of rest, the glucosamine/chondroitin supplement I'm taking, and that I weigh less so I don't have the usual impact on my joints that leave me achy and breathless. I was pleasantly surprised, but I can't say it's a miracle. I've been working hard to get where I am. I still have a long way to be where I want to be, but I'm happy with my accomplishments so far. I won't feel any more guilt for my off week on Valentine's. I enjoyed it and now I get back on track.

So how are you doing?
I started my week off with the standing leg portions of Butts and Gutts followed by the abs form section 5 in the Timesaver. My focus now is toning up my arms for the summer season. My weight is where I want it to be. I need to try to maintain it and tone up.
Hello ladies. Have taken the last two days off from w/o due to not feeling well. Hope to get back on track tomorrow. Will definately make this week better for eating!!!

Rose, I like your attitude!! And WTG on IMAX 3, that's a toughie!!
Affirm, I really like the standing leg portion of B&G. I am not much on floor work though. I'm with ya on getting the arms in shape for the summer!!

Fitfairy, I hope you feel better soon. The winter season is tricky, stuff is always going around.

Rose, IMAX 3 is the DVD that I consider the absolute toughest. I ordered it during the summer because I love IMAX 2. IMAX 3 is so high impact. I haven't use that workout in several months. KUDOS to you!
I have never done IMax 3 as is. I do either the interval 1-5 premix or the interval 6-10 premix. I agree it is very high impact. I used an old thread that I found here that had tons of modifications for ideas, but yesterday I did the premix for intervals 6-10 without modifications and today I don't feel any pain whatsoever on my joints. Of course I was careful on my landings and I was watching myself on the mirror to make sure I was bending my knees to protect my joints. I think that I'm getting stronger, but as I'm approaching my goal weight my joints don't have to take the extra impact from the extra pounds I'm carrying. And the glucosamine supplement works miracles too. I used to hear my elbow joints crack and pop all the time while doing weight work on my triceps and that doesn't happen anymore. It's nice to see some progress after all the months of working out (13 months to be exact) and taking it seriously.

I have some kickboxing and CST planned for this afternoon and on Tuesday night I'm going to a yoga class. I am focused this week. I want to eat 210% clean (if that's even possible).

Catherine I hope you feel better. Remember though that if you're feeling sick that's your body's signal that tells you to rest. If you don't feel like working out please don't. Just watch out your calorie intake, eat fresh fruits and veggies, drink tons of water, etc., and you'll be okay.

Well my brother is visiting and he's bringing my 1 year old niece. We're going out I think to the beach, then Old San Juan, and a couple other places. :)

Enjoy your last day of the long weekend ladies.
Thanks you both for your well wishes. I am feeling better today. I have gotten much better about listening to my body and giving it the rest it needs.

Rose, I just realized that you live in Puerto Rico. I was wondering when you were talking about doing outdoor work the other day. I thought, gosh it's way to cold for that any where around here LOL! You sound very focused this week!! Have a great visit with your brother and neice!!

Fitfairy, I am glad you are feeling better.

I took a rest day on the federal holiday. No sweets today. YEAH!!
Clean eating today for me too, but no workout :( I had intended on it, but today has been stressfull for me. I have two dogs a yorkie and a silkie terrior. Well, they have been fighting and I mean real dog fighting!! It's escalating something terrible and I am just a mess. I am seeking professional help, but have to do videos and blood work before that can happen. I am so afraid that one will get hurt :( These are my babies and I am distraught. I know there are more serious problems in the world, but this is my biggie for now. Thanks for letting me vent!!

Affirm, WTG on todays eating!!

Fitfairy, I actually saw your post in the open forum discussion about the dogs. However, I didnt' have any advice for you. I am glad you are seeking professional advice on what to do. I could tell by your other post that this is a difficult time for you. I hope things get better soon.

My family is getting a golden retriever the end of May. It will be our first family pet and we are really excited.

Keep us posted. Thinking of you.
Thanks so much Affirm. Pets are wonderful things and I love mine to death. I only wish I had done some formal training with them when they were young. Keep us posted when you get your golden. Do ya think we can keep up this check in till then LOL!! You never know.

Hello ladies. Catherine, I'm sorry you're having pet problems. I have two dogs and they get on nasty fights sometimes. One is quiet and mellow, the other one is hyperactive and loves to disturb the quiet one. That usually means a nasty fight between them. They're both males so you probably know how that goes. I have no advice for you, but I hope you find a solution soon.

Affirm I had a golden two years ago but he got sick and we had to put him to sleep. He was a cute little dog. I love goldens and one day I'd like to have another one.

Well today I was supposed to go to yoga, but I'm really tired so I'm taking an unscheduled rest day. Tomorrow I'll do cardio + PS:BBA and I'll go to yoga on Thursday. My diet has been okay, but I had some grape juice yesterday. Those are super sweet. I didn't even realize how sweet! Maybe my palate is changing, but it was almost disgusting. I couldn't finish a serving. Before the challenge I could drink those like it was water.

Oh and by the way yes I live in Puerto Rico. Yesterday we had tons of plans but it started raining and it hasn't stopped since yesterday. We need the rain though because we had sun for almost two weeks straight and I was starting to worry. They said on the news that we were two weeks away from drought conditions so I'm actually glad it's been raining. I've never seen snow because I travel during the summer, but one day I'd like to travel during the winter to see if I get lucky and see snow for the first time. They tell me the first snow day is fun but then you get tired of it. However, we always should make the best of our situations. Take care. I'll post tomorrow. :)
Hello ladies. Catherine, I'm sorry you're having pet problems. I have two dogs and they get on nasty fights sometimes. One is quiet and mellow, the other one is hyperactive and loves to disturb the quiet one. That usually means a nasty fight between them. They're both males so you probably know how that goes. I have no advice for you, but I hope you find a solution soon.

Affirm I had a golden two years ago but he got sick and we had to put him to sleep. He was a cute little dog. I love goldens and one day I'd like to have another one.

Well today I was supposed to go to yoga, but I'm really tired so I'm taking an unscheduled rest day. Tomorrow I'll do cardio + PS:BBA and I'll go to yoga on Thursday. My diet has been okay, but I had some grape juice yesterday. Those are super sweet. I didn't even realize how sweet! Maybe my palate is changing, but it was almost disgusting. I couldn't finish a serving. Before the challenge I could drink those like it was water.

Oh and by the way yes I live in Puerto Rico. Yesterday we had tons of plans but it started raining and it hasn't stopped since yesterday. We need the rain though because we had sun for almost two weeks straight and I was starting to worry. They said on the news that we were two weeks away from drought conditions so I'm actually glad it's been raining. I've never seen snow because I travel during the summer, but one day I'd like to travel during the winter to see if I get lucky and see snow for the first time. They tell me the first snow day is fun but then you get tired of it. However, we always should make the best of our situations. Take care. I'll post tomorrow. :)
Rose, YOU"VE NEVER SEEN SNOW!!! Wow, the things we take for granted. I hear ya about the palate changing and things being almost too sweet. Now I wish I could say that about Tirimisu. I used stress as my rationale today. I know I know :( I haven't worked out for 4 days!!! Honestly though, mentally I needed a break. I may try something easy tomorrow. I will get back on track!! BTW besides the tirimisu today was clean :+

Rose, YOU"VE NEVER SEEN SNOW!!! Wow, the things we take for granted. I hear ya about the palate changing and things being almost too sweet. Now I wish I could say that about Tirimisu. I used stress as my rationale today. I know I know :( I haven't worked out for 4 days!!! Honestly though, mentally I needed a break. I may try something easy tomorrow. I will get back on track!! BTW besides the tirimisu today was clean :+

Nope, never seen snow, but it's one of those things I would like to do in the future.

How have you two been? Today I didn't have enough time to work out and I only did the step only premix of Low Max. Tomorrow I'm going to be busy all day and all evening so I can't work out, but I will do some cardio + PS:BBA on Friday. My diet has been okay, but I'm eating more calories than usual. I guess I have to make adjustments tomorrow.

Catherine you probably needed a break and that's why couldn't work out. When I need to get back on track I do cardio & weights step and circuits only (that's the first half of the dvd I think) and the stretch at the end. I don't remember right now if there's a premix for that, but I know I do that workout when I need to get back on track. However, I use lighter weights than normal when I do the circuits. Maybe you can do something like that?

Affirm I hope you're doing well.

Take care ladies.
Back on track today!! Did C&W step only. Kind of a "I don't have to think about it/not too hard" step routine to get back into things. Eating hasn't been bad. Lacking on veggies.

Update on the pooches- so far tonight no fighting. For the last three days we've had to keep them in seperate rooms. Tonight I think (notice "think") I've had a break through idea. We have not spoken to either one. Muffie (the instigator) has given Bisquit looks like she usually does before the fighting ensues. Normally we respond by scolding her and then it's on, literally. But by ignoring it it seems to be better. Maybe coincidence??? Hopefully not. Still gonna see the specialist though.

Affirm, Rose how are you all doing?? Hope you all are well!!

Thanks for listening!

I had something to do after work on Tuesday and didn't get home until really really late. I was so excited on Wednesday morning so I didn't get up to exercise. Well, after working all day on Wed. and not getting much sleep, I decided to go to bed early and not get up early Thur. My body was so tired and I feel better now. So I have exercised Sun. and Tues. of this week and that is it. I must plan a good workout for Friday.

My eating has been pretty good though.

fitfair, glad to hear there may be a breakthrough with the dogs.
I didn't work out today either. I'm too busy and too tired, but like I said, tomorrow I'm doing cardio + PS:BBA. I had a weigh-in today and wow after my awful eating habits last week I can't believe I'm still losing weight. February is almost over and I think I lost the 2-3 pounds I wanted to lose by accident because I could've eaten better and I could've exercised more. Maybe that means that if I actually eat and exercise like I'm supposed to I might lose 4-5 pounds a month instead of 2-3 pounds. So I'm going to try harder in March.

Affirm, if you look at it this way, if you worked out on Sunday and Tuesday and you'll work out tomorrow and Saturday that's four days this week. Not bad. :)

Catherine, I'm also glad to hear good news about the doggies. A good vet might be able to figure it out too. I'm so glad you did C&W! That's my get back to business after a hiatus DVD.

February is almost over. Are we keeping this up for March? I hope so. I actually vote for the check-in to stay indefinitely. Without it I'd still be eating crap 24/7 and sitting on my butt 5 days a week (and work out only 2 days). Not to mention my weight. I still have some weight and fat to lose. I can't believe I'm still overweight according to my scale, but I know I only have a few pounds to lose to be in my goal weight (it used to be 15, but now it's 12). I'm getting there and I don't think it would be that way without the check-in.

Oh! I almost forgot! Affirm I read you wanted to shape up your arms for the summer. There's a tank top arms rotation somewhere in that I haven't done, but I know a lot of ladies have done in the past with great results. You should do a search if you're interested.

Well I'll post tomorrow. Hopefully I can post that I actually exercised and ate well. :)
Yoo hoo! I'm back! I did a search for tank top arms rotation and I found the famous rotation posted by Marlene123. It's a pretty old rotation. I think it has 5-6 years, but it works biceps, triceps, and shoulders three times a week. It looks like a good rotation; maybe I'll do it after I lose my last 12 pounds. Do a search ladies if you haven't seen it yet.
Rose, I agree we should keep this up. I am doing better- yesterday and today at least. But need to reaffirm my eating by checking in.

The dogs did have one go round last night, but none since **crosses fingers** Rose, I am trying to get them in to see a vet who is a behavior specialist. It's just that she has a list of things for me to do before she will see them. Things like blood work to rule at physical ailments and video taping them to see how they interact together. I couldn't tell you when I was last this stressed!!


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