NO energy days


Hi everyone,

I was wondering what everyone does when you have days when you have absolutely NO energy. For instance, yesterday I MADE myself do 20 min. of FIRM Time Crunch and just couldn't move anymore. Today I did a whoppin 15 min. of 7-day solution cardio, modified the moves to low-impact, and just didn't have anything else. It took everything I had to convince myself to just start the workout.

It's PMS week, so that could definitely be a cause. I may be getting slightly too little sleep this week, but reasonable. It's just so discouraging when I've been on a roll with my workouts, really building up my endurance, and now I feel like a slug.:-(

Any tips?
I'm probably the wrong person to ask, but when I have no energy days, especially when it's PMS related I simply dont workout, although I will give it a try to least see if it's more of a motivation thing or truly a low energy day. Taking a hot bath, throwing on some flannel pj's, and sitting back on the couch with a bowl of popcorn usually does the trick for me. The next day's workout is usually even better since the popcorn will usually have me feeling guilty by the next morning!

:) Stacy
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-07-02 AT 07:46AM (Est)[/font][p]I am the same as Stacy. I usually skip the hard workouts on days like these or skip it altogether. You really should rest if your body is not up to it. I have mine this week and I did force myself to go running on Tuesday, but all I did was a slow jog - just whatever I can do.

NEVER OVER EXERT YOURSELF is what I always say. Exercise should be fun, not a punishment.

Rest for this week and when the time is over, do BodyMax.

Hi Jen,

I, too, suffer from little energy during PMS week (& TTOM). Someone (here I think) suggested that we promise ourselves at least 15 minutes of a tape, if after that, we still don't feel like working out, we can quit. I find that this is truly a help. On those days that I just "don't feel like it" because I have zero energy, I can do 15 minutes & sometimes even push to 30! So, in my mind the fact that you did 15 minutes of ANY workout, is good!

Don't beat yourself up to badly!

Ya, I always use the 15 minute rule.

And sometimes when I feel exhausted I do a better workout than ever! Perhaps because the pressure to perform is off, and I'm lighter on my feet!

Right now, I'm ending my "rest" week. I promised myself to take a well-deserved week off from home exercise starting last Sunday to catch up on some sleep (early a.m. exerciser here!), and just do a couple of short classes at my gym. Well, I lasted until Wednesday and just had to slip a Cathe tape into the machine. I had really missed that great after-workout feeling -- incredibly addictive!

P.S. But by all means, don't feel guilty taking a day off here and there. Although, sometimes when I decide to just go back to bed with another hot coffee I get really bored and restless within 15 minutes and wish I'd worked out.
Thanks so much everyone! I feel better knowing I'm not alone. I'm glad I did what I could, I just felt so discouraged doing so little. I'm determined to slim down and tone up, and last week I had a setback b/c of a cough, and now this. But I know it's temporary. I'm going to try to do a better workout today, but not push. I just can't wait until my energy comes back - I get very bored sitting around!

Jen - I had your problem yesterday. In the morning I just had no energy. I've learned that it's OK to have days that like. I did about 30 minutes of Step Heat and then just stopped. But then in the evening I did a Firm tape because I had more energy. Now today I seem to be back to normal. So I think the technique of splitting up workouts if I'm tired might help. Next time I feel like that I'll just do 20-30 minutes of cardio in the morning, and in the evening I'll try to do a little more.

But, it's worth saying that the occasional day of doing only 20-30 minutes is not going to kill us. :)
When working out to a video seems overwhelming because I'm too tired (physically or mentally), I usually just go for a walk. I vow that I'll get on that treadmill for a few minutes, even if I have to walk really slowly. Usually, I end up jogging once those endorphins kick in. Even if I don't, at least I've done something.
Seems that rest is just as important as working out. I've found that planned rest days are good to look forward to but my body really does come back stronger.

If its a work out day though, as someone said just say you'll do 15 mins. Chances are you will do more but that trick works greats for days you are dragging.
Just wanted to thank everyone again - I was able to do 1/2 hour yesterday, so that was better. Still not feeling myself, but I guess I just needed the rest. You're right, I need to just listen to my body. It's so easy to get impatient!

If my TTOM is "bad" I'll take one day off and possibly two then workout on my set day off that week to make up for the 2nd day I took or something like that.

I have even had months when things got bad enuff I had to take like 3 days in a row off and do a couple of days where I do two workouts in a day the following week. But I never do 2 workouts in one day back to back I do one in the a.m. and one in the p.m. then the next day just one video and the day after that maybe a double. That's not been very often and doesn't even happen now days.


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