No competition..........

RE: Debbie, Lori, and Shelia.....

Debbie, Yes, yes!!! I'm on spring break the next to the last week in April, if that helps!!
Lori, thanks, I was bummed but I'm doing better! Writing about does help. Thanks.
Shelia, not the traing, it the supplements. Fat burners to be exact. Also, be careful of the ephedra free ones they contain (some of them)herb that directly stimulate certain thyroid hormones. He says they did all the work for my thyroid and now it won't. Use it or lose it theroy:) .

I was diagnosed with low thyroid over 12 years ago and have been taking medication ever since. Through it was hard to lose weight, it was certainly not impossible as the thyroid medication at the right dosage should level things out. Don't give up! I know that supplements that contain stimulants are not advisable ( like weight loss supplements or even some cough medicines ) but I too was curious about what other supplements he/ she didn't want you to take? My next check up is next Wednesday so I'll ask him about supplements, you can't be too careful.
Hey Cybersis!!
Nope I won't give up!! That was the only supplements that he really mentioned. When you go, if your doctor lists more than that will you let me know? I'd really appericate it!!

Just wanted to let you know that you will never be a disappointment to any of us and I'm glad to see you have a positive attitude about it all. I also have hypothyroidism and have about 20 pounds that I need to lose and have not lost a pound since having this condition and in fact have gained weight. I sometimes really feel that it is impossible to lose it but I realize that I just have to work harder than the "average" person. I would also like to join you on her rotation and try to get my metabolism in gear!

Hi AmyFit30,

Just wanted to let you know that I truly admire your positive attitude!! You are such an inspiration. I am more of a peeper than a poster and I followed your workout schedule closely when you where training for your competition. You have such determination and drive I have no doubt that you will reach any goal that you set for yourself. If you want a challenging goal consider a marathon. I will run my first this Saturday February 22nd. My longest run was 20 miles two weeks ago and I thought I was going to die . Can't recommend it for weight loss though. I thought it would have been a good way to get off this last 10 pounds, but I have had to consume way too many carbs to loose significant weight. Good luck and keep us posted on your progress.
Hi Kellie!!!That would be wonderful!! Hey, I've got a challenge going with this rotation at Just look for amyfit's fatblast intense challenge and join in with us! Everything starts on Monday! We'll ban together and lick all of these problems:9 ! This is going to be so much fun!!
Thanks for the kind words. I think I'm more dissapointed with this than other people. The first thing my youngest daughter said when i told her I couldn't compete was " YEAH!!! Now you can bake again!!"
Kids. That's my second passion. I'm an amature pastry chef;) .
Hope to see you in the challenge!!

Thanks Powergirl!!! I hope I'll reach my goal. I'm going to give it my all!!
Wow a marathon?!?!? That's amazing!!! I've ran a couple 5k's got a medal in my last one for my time. I thought I was going to diet then!! YOU'RE AN INSIPRATION!!! A marathon!! WOW!!! One day, one day.......

Let us know you do ok?? Good luck to you!!!!!


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