No competition..........


Hi everyone, I thought I'd let you know. There will be no competition for me ever. I went to the doctor on Fri for a checkup and to get my thyroid checked. When I mentioned to him that I was training for another competition, he immediately told me that he did not want me doing it. Too dangerous to my thyroid. He says that the supplements did not help matter and if I use them again things will get worse. He also told me that to take off this weight will be a struggle. Well, I'm up for that!!
I have to modify my rotation for fat blasting now. Anyone want to do it with me?? I also picked up a book called Body Code and I'm going to follow that too. Great Book!! Come help me lose this weight that I'm told will be almost impossible to get off. I'm ready and I'm going to do it. Not for a trophy. This time for me:7 !
I'm going to post the rotation in the rotation forum. Sorry to disappoint you all, but I gotta listen to my doctor and protect my health!!
Thanks for eveything.

Good luck to you! I'm sure that with a thyroid condition, this will be tough for you. I recently read an article in Oxygen magazine about Jenny Worth who also has to work very hard to keep her weight in control and she's a fitness competitor on a regular basis! Her lifestyle sounded way too stringent to me and I really felt like a slacker!

I'm behind you 100%! I'll check out your rotation and if it's even close to what my goals are right now, I'll join you! God bless and good luck! Where there's a will, there's a way.

HI Amy. I have been running on the treadmill watching taped TV of the last Olympics. I am so inspired by Lance Armstrong's story and watching him beat all odds and accompish what he has. You'll be a better person for this, a really tough woman inside and out. Don't give up!!!!!!!!!!!

I am so sorry about the competition but it is so smart of you to listen to your doctor! We are all still here rooting for you! BTW, I saw your pics from the last competition, and you look incredible. I'll take a look at your rotation. I have used your Max Rotation and got great results. I just might have to try it with you!

Take care,
Hi Amy,
I am sorry you can't compete, but you made the right decision to listen to your doctor. I am usually a lurker, and remember reading your post. If anyone can take off the weight you can. You are a very discipline person. Especially, someone who can work out three times a day and still eat well.

We will support you!!

Terri ;)
Hey Amie:

Sorry to hear your news but you are VERY wise to follow your doctors orders. Based on your success before and your attitude now - I know you'll do great on the weight loss.

Smart to put your health first. Best to you!
Hey Amy! I'm sorry to hear about your news! I know how pumped up you were to compete and how disapponted you must feel! We are soo proud of you regardless if you compete or not~ just living the fitness lifestyle! Don't count yourself out,who knows what the future holds for you,it don't have to be a competition it can be your own personal goal to let yourself know that you can be the best that you can be on or off the stage! Keep your chin up and keep a postive outlook! Listen to your Dr and your body, once you get certain conditions under control you will be amazed at how well your body bounces back! Keep your drive, Make the mind body connection now and forever ! Accept your limitations for now and stay focused on what you have to do and what needs to be done! Nature will take its course and you will be where you are meant to be!;) This is a living learning experience, so enjoy your journey! We are all here for you!:* XO
Sorry to hear you won't be able to compete Amiee but you do need to listen to the Dr. I'd love to check out your new rotation and give it a try! My Dr. is testing my thyroid next week cuz she thinks I too(like my Mom and sis) have a hypothyroid. She also said it may not be too easy to take the weight off and that I need to step it up a notch in my workouts(she has never done a Cathe tape!) ;-)
Take care of yourself. Stay strong, Susan
Amy, your will and determination to stay healthy is a trophy in and of itself. I am new to this forum but your posts are the some of the ones that I remember the most! Your thyroid situation might have been much worse had you not been in such healthy shape to begin with. Definitely read the article on Jenny Worth in Oxygen. She maintains a rigorous schedule, but her determination is inspiring.

Remember that your doctor said to take off the weight would be a struggle - but he did not say impossible, and you are one person who definitely is up for the challenge!

Keep us posted on your progress...

Amy, I'm also sorry to hear about you not competing, but you're a smart lady to follow the doc's advice.
I'm thinking about joining all of you with this rotation, but...hmmm...I'm still wondering if I can commit so much time.
Good luck and thanks for posting your rotation.
I'll do a fat blasting rotation with ya!

Amy -

We're in the same boat with the thyroid thing.:( I just found in November that I'm hypothyroid. I was put on Synthroid .125 mg. and see my doc for a followup at the end of this month. I am sad to report that I have lost none of the weight!

To complicate matters, I hurt my knee (strained patellar tendon) so did NO lower body or high impact cardio for 5 weeks. My knee is healed now and after this weekend I'll be able to really focus on losing the weight. I have a big install this weekend and will be working 12-14 hours Saturday and 12 hours on Monday. This means I will be forced to skip 2 or 3 workout days. Hopefully by Wednesday next week things will be back to normal.

Hang in there! Maybe together we can do it! :)

RE: I'll do a fat blasting rotation with ya!

Hi guys!! Thanks for the good vibes:) ! I'm feeling better about not being able to do this. After all, he did say I could still run races! I like doing that too. I
I changed my rotation because in comp mode, I was tryibg to get as much more muscle as possible becuase I know with dieting I'll lose alot of muscle. About 1 lb of muscle for every 3 of fat.
Since I can't do that and I'm already happy with the muscle I got for everyday fitness, I decided to kick it up a notch and see if I could get my metabolism going again.
Sue, if you get a chance check out the book, The Body Code. It's making alot of sense to me and I'm going to follow it to see if it helps at all. It's got me pegged.
Thanks for all the support and well wishes. My goal is to take off 4% bf and lose 1.5 in. in my waist, 1 in in my hips and thighs. I think I'll be able to do it!! WE ALL CAN REACH OUR GOALS:7 !!
Hi Aimee!

No disapoointment with us! I know you must be, but you can do other things, right? AND, that is a GOOD thing. Being someone who battles her weight constantly, I can relate with the TRYING to take off some pounds, but we both are blessed with health & happiness. Keep us posted on your new goals. We are here for you too, like you have been for sooo many! :7

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Hi Aimee!

Thanks Debbie!! You're the best! We're all here for each other and I think that's what makes these forums so special. We're all one big, happy, extended family.

Thanks again,

Yes, Aimee! I agree! I love coming here. Even though we have met (& hit it right off!) I feel like I know sooo many here almost as well. I have had the priviledge of meeting 5 gals total from this forum and hope to meet many more sometime soon. Hopefully, a roadtrip will be planned later this year after Cathe is in her new place and all settled in. Til then, maybe we can plan another outing. Take care and again, keep me posted on how you are doing.
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Yes!

REALLY!?! I'd love to get together again!!! Maybe in April??? What do you think??? It would be so much fun!!!!
I 'm sorry to hear about this.You must of been looking forward to it.I didn't even realize this when I was chatting to you about the rotation you posted.
It's always best to listen to the DOC,even when we don't want to.Don't worry, I am sure you will get the weight off that you want.
And remeber we are always here.Don't let this get you down but if it ever starts to eat you up , you can always post....:)
Good Luck,
I am sorry about your news. Why did he tell you that training for another competition is dangerous to the thyroid?
I too am on synthroid and have been regularly exercising (of course I was not training for a competition and do not know anything about doing so). Is there a particular reason that training is harmful or type of training? What type of supplements are harmful to the thyroid? If I am asking things you don't wish to answer, please feel free not to. I am just curious and wondering if I am doing something I should not be doing/taking.

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