No cardio for 1.5 weeks = weight loss???


What is going on with my body? I've been doing cardio three times a week (and not even Cathe since I just started her). I strained a thigh muscle (doing something else) and have only been doing upper body and abs. I'm down a couple of pounds and believe me, my eating hasn't really decreased or gotten cleaner. I don't want to cut out cardio to lose body fat...I want a healthy heart. Anyone else experience this? Did I just hit a plateau or will this last?

I cut out cardio completely for 2 months & increased my eating (but ate VERY CLEAN--ALMOST NO FAT) & maintained my weight. I've just started doing cardio again but still at a very decreased rate--in fact, only did 1 35 minute sessin last week. I've decreased my eating since about 10 days ago, still eating clean. I've lost 3.5 lbs in that 10 days.

There are some "experts" that say we don't need to be doing so much cardio--Body Rx, Body for Life to name a few.

You can still have a healthy heart with just 2 or 3 -- 20 to 30 minute cardio sessions in a week.

Will it last? Only time will tell.
And I have to also agree w/Sherry. I too only do about 1-2x a week of cardio for 1 hr. I've seen so much more muscle definition. It hasn't hurt my cardio ability at all. In fact I'm stronger now than I was before. I'm 5'2" weigh 110#s and am a size 2 so it must be working for me too. Kathy:7
I was so glad to read this. I know that every one is different, but 2 friends of mine recently cut back on/out their cardio and look so much more lean. I don't know if the scale/body fat has changed any, but they look great. I asked if they had changed their diets and both said "no". These are 2 different people who don't know each other and are having the same results. I am going to try to cut back on my cardio and see if my clothing fits. My one friend's trainer/friend told her that she did too much cardio and that it was just burning the muscle that she was trying to build.

I know that I have adopted the mindset that if a little is good, more must be better. Maybe it isn't so with cardio. I am going to give it a couple of weeks to bring my cardio down to 3 sessions a week. It is going to be hard because I love it so much.


Everyone here has said something about cardio three times per week. This is what I've been doing...I wonder if for me, twice a week is enough. I understand about the more is better mindset. I'm there with ya! Thanks for all who have posted and I look forward to reading if others have found this to be true.

I am a nurse and have been doing research with respect to the effects of exercise (all types). there is definetly a dose response to the cardio effects on the heart, but I don't have any insight into the weight connection. recently research has also supported that strength training also provides cardiac benefits..
i guess it is up to the individual to define their goals
Just over the past 2 weeks I have started cutting back my cardio. I do 2-3 days a week of 30-45mn. I have lost about 3 pounds so far. I've also increased my weight poundages when strength training. I've always liked strength training more that cardio and am happy with the results so far! Susan
Maybe I should give this a whirl for the rest of the month! Sounds like something I need to be doing but when I see my back looking almost flabby x(, I want to pull out all my cardio tapes and get going!

If you guys are seeing results so fast, what would it hurt for me to try it for a few weeks? I'm supposed to be doing heavy weight training as it is but you know how it can be when new videos arrive in the mail! :)

By the way what weight training videos are you all using or have you devised your own at home or gym routine?

Hi Angie! I use only Cathe's tapes for my strength training but cycle (meaning change up) every 6 wks. First I do S&H for 6 wks.; then in Cycle 2 I use PS tapes but instead of 3 sets I do 4 sets for large muscle groups & 5 sets for small muscle groups; then in Cycle 3 this is where I'm in fat burning mode & really kick it up by using PLB, PUB, ME & C&W tapes, also Bootcamp. HTH, Kathy:7
Hi Angie! I vary my routines usually. One week will be upper body 2x,lower 1x, the next week lower body 2x and uper body once. I vary what Cathe tapes I choose. I do not own her Slow and Heavy videos at this time. If I choose a more endurance based tape(M.E, or PH) I may increase the weight and slower/lessen the amount of reps. I use only dumb bells right now. I keep telling myself to buy a barbell but I really like the dumbbells for now.I use 5-30 pounders.
I sit down every Sunday afternoon and figure out what vids I want to use the coming week.
I do hope you see nice results from lessening your cardio and increasing your weight training. Keep us posted! Susan

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