No Call List phone number


Does anyone have the number to call to block your phone number from receiving solicitation calls? I had done this years ago when the number first came out but have no idea what it is now. It really worked back then but now I'm getting a whole new slew of calls. You know it's time to block your number when you get a call from Carmen Electra wanting to hook you up with some Dr. Phil love connection, lol. Now if it was Tom Welling calling (Smallville), then I'd make sure my number was definitely kept public! ;)

Also, you can have your cell phone blocked too. Is that the same number or a different one? TIA.

I don't remember the web site where you can sign up, but whenever I get an unsolicited call, I immediately say "please put me on your 'no-call' list. thanks." They are obligated to do so (and to immediately stop trying to sell me anything! (though that won't work for prerecorded messages.
Chica, thank you soooooo much! You rock! I can't wait to register....again. It does say that it's good for 5 years so that's probably why I'm getting all these calls again. Heh, heh, heh....Carmen Electra, beware! }(


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