No babyfood??


Hi all
My baby girl just turned 9 months on Monday and has no interest in baby food at all. The only thing she wants is her milk. She is a pretty big girl 23lbs 29in. So I am not to worry about her losing any weight I think she is ok but my concern is her taste for different food and it's texture.
She was recently on a steroid med that made her appetite enormous she was eating 2 to 3 jars of stage 2 a day plus her milk. Now that she is off the med she wants nothing to do with it. Her dr. Said her appetite would go back to normal once off the meds but is this normal? The last 2 days she has had only milk and seems happy. Today I tried a fruit she had about 4 spoons and that was it. She does loves those big soda crackers though!
Akadia hates baby food. She still mostly drinks milk but I have been introducing regular table food to her too. A lot of the ladies on this other forum I'm on completely skipped baby food all together. Akadia will eat almost anything I'm eating (as long as it's mushy and easy to eat) but give her the same type thing in a baby jar and she'll have nothing to do with it. I wouldn't worry about it at this point. There's actually nothing wrong with doing nothing but breastmilk/formula for the first year. Some of Akadia's favorite foods right now are applesauce - regular not baby food, strawberry chobani yogurt, baked potato, sweet potato, banana mashed up (again not nasty baby food banana), and just about anything else that can be mashed up and doesn't require too much chewing. We're still mainly feeding her breastmilk though. The other foods are just in addition.
Thanks Liann! I've tried somethings like pasta and fruit but she doesnt seem to want it she does like bread. I will try no to worry about it easier said than done but its good to know that some babies do well with milk for the first year.
My daughter is 9 mos old and is the same way these days. If it comes in baby food form she isn't that interested in it. I still breastfeed her also and she will get table foods when we eat. I wouldn't worry to much about it unless she starts losing weight. Goodluck!

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