No access to my Cathe tapes since moving, and have a leg question


HEY there! I just moved from my home into an apartment, and unfotunatley I do not have access to any of my Cathe tapes.
They are all in storage because I cannot make that much noise being in an apartment and on an upper level.

However, I do belong to the gym, and I continue to work out there with upper body weight training and cardio between 4-6 days/week, depending on the week.

My problem is that I LOVE Cathe tapes for the lower body, and now I have to do legs at the gym. I tend to get heavy near the hips and butt area, and so what type of exercises are good to trim that area? Higher reps and sets versus lighter weights?

Also, I spin once a week, but I would like to spin twice a week sometimes. How do I fit legs into that schedule? Spinning is on a Tuesday and Thursday. I usually take a day off per week to rest and recover, so where would I fit legs in? I would prefer to do them on the weekdays, as weekends I run with my husband.

Dilemma...PLEASe help!

RE: No access to my Cathe tapes since moving, and have ...

Pamela, everyone is different but I find I can train my legs & spin on the same day. The day after training is the challenge. Has to be a recovery or endurance spin.


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