Nip/Tuck...tonights episode...

Thoughts? Did you like it? I think I can say I didn't like anything about it. I'm not saying it wasn't interesting...just couldn't get on board with the subject matter, I guess. These people are getting really hard to like!

I want to hear your me see the light, otherwise I am flipping the channel.
Girl, I'm hoping they are just setting it up for the rest of the season. I will admit, it wasn't the greatest ep ever. I think that when Sean was still married and there was at least ONE kind of normal family in there, it was better. The maggoty body was a little out there and I didn't think that was necessary to carry the story...but now the police are going to be looking for "mom" and that is how they can hook back up.

The constant bong was a bit much - no one smokes that much pot that fast and is still sitting up.

Yikes - the beating up scenes? I agree with you that it was way out there, but I am going to give it a couple more chances.

Ape surgery - I think it was a way to add to Christian's futility right now so that he can bounce back and take back his life from his "girlfriends" in the next ep.

I thought both eps so far were a bit out there and boy are they really pushing the limits with the language, WOW! But I have been a fan since episode 1, season 1 and will remain. I like the way they always tie in the relevance of the procedures in each ep. Like for instance the gang member erased his tatoos to look normal and fit back in society but they still beat him to a pulp and the same thing happened to the ape by trying to remove her scar to look more attractive. That was cool how they both were dealt the same fate for trying to "fit" back into there respective 'normal" societes after enduring a traumatic childhood.

So does anyone have any more clues as to who the Carver might be? I am beginining to think it might by Ava. I thought it was that curly haired doctor that got busted for having his illegal business, then I thougth it was the new (gorgeous) doctor they hired but that may be too obvious as I think they are making him seem creepy to make us think its him. Ava was a man so she has the strength to attack another man. Plus, I think the point of Matt's forte into transexual world was to point out that although they look like women they are really men, strenghtwise, etc. Oh wait a minute what would she have raped Christian with since that part of her was cut off, shall we say??? Darn I thought I had it!

I am curious to see what happened to the gang member, in scenes for next week they show him standing in sean's office. Julia is getting on my nerves too, she is too whiny and wishy washy. Don't her and her "mom" look like twins, WHOA! The woman who plays mom is a beautiful woman (I can't remember her name).

Maybe I put too much though into this all together, LOL
I think the language thing was out of hand...however, I am so biased because I HATE HATE HATE the "p" word and it was used far too much! I thought I was watching Scarface!!

I have no suggestions to whom the Carver may be...I know they are going to lead us down a road and make it some one unexpected. I have wondered about Ava being the Carver and "strapping" something on. Since the Carver does paralyze the victim 1st with an injection...a woman suspect is possible!

I couldn't stand all the "smoking"...that was stupid. Made everyone on the show look like trash with thick wallets and bank accounts.
"Don't her and her "mom" look like twins, WHOA! The woman who plays mom is a beautiful woman (I can't remember her name)."

They're mother and daughter in real life. Vanessa Redgrave and Joely Richardson (Vanessa was married to the great Shakespearian actor, Sir Ralph Richardson, for awhile).

Get outta here! Vanessa Redgrave...thats it, yes! Well that explains that, LOL.
I had no idea :eek:
I thought how cool that they found 2 actresses that looked so much alike. Nobody I know knows this either, thanks!
I was a little thrown off by last night's episode as well. I have been watching this show from the very beginning as well, but it almost seems like it's turning into a "let's see how far we can push the envelope in this episode" and they plot lines are just becoming a little absurd. I think one of the biggest reasons I didn't care much for last night's episode is because I HATE HATE HATE Matt!!! I'm sorry, but the actor to me looks like the current Michael Jackson's twin. He just kind of freaks me out a little and I literally don't even like to look at him when he's on screen. Plus, come on, first he falls for a girl who is really a lesbian, then he hits and almost kills a girl with his car while stoned, then he falls in love with a transvestite and gets caught stealing his fathers prescription drugs, and now he goes to a transvestite bar, goes home with one and beats the crap out of them. How much more of a screw up can this kid be?

I agree with the fact that the characters are becoming less likeable. I really liked this show the first two seasons, but I have to admit that I am a little scared at what direction this season may be going.

I have friends who LOVE this show. I've watched it a few times, have found it interesting, but can see how it could be tough to care about these people. (And I haven't seen the new episodes you're talking about).
There isn't much TV I'm really hooked on these days. That's probably good, right?

I must admit I don't care for the opening show. HOWEVER I don't watch it for the story line, I simply LOVE the eye candy Christian and Sean!!! I watch just see them either parade around without a shirt makes my whole week. Oops think ole DH is coming GOTTA RUN;-)
I have actually really enjoyed the two episodes so far...guess that makes me twisted but the one thing I always loved about the show was how it is so "edgy"...that's what makes the show. Some episodes are just a little more twisted than others..haha.

Matt does give me the creeps. Either looks cute and young or like Michael Jackson - remember that Seinfeld where he was dating the girl that was like that? The head shaving scene made him more gross.

Anyway, the new doc might be the carver. Another option is Kimber? She is kind of a sicko and it did get her back together with Christian which is all she wanted in the whole wide world. I believe that she has a selection of strap ons that she uses for work.

It could also be the girl that Matt hit with the car? Maybe she found out and that is how she is getting back at Matt? Just a long shot but you have to take them.

I thought it was interesting (I taped it and finally watched it). It did seem like the writers were pushing it a bit to see how many stories they could link together in one show. I think it works well when they do it with two, but three (the Gorilla, Matt, the gangbanger all getting beaten up and being somehow outcasts) just didn't quite do it for me. The gorilla story was sad, but kind of superfluous, IMO.

There wasn't as much pot smoking going on as I had assumed from reading this thread.

Matt (and the actor who plays him) gives me the creeps, too. I don't find him attractive at all, but he DOES look like he could be a transexual...something rather feminin about his looks.

I think it's possible the carver is a woman (with a strap on). The drugging the victims part of it kind of fits into that (a woman not being as able to overpower her victims). Kimber is a bit unstable, and she did tie Christian and threaten to cut him at one time (and rather than ruin his beautiful face, the carver gave him an easy-to-fix cut on the neck). Though I think that might be a red herring (it's too easy to think it might be her).
You know make an exellent case for Kimber being the Carver!!! I wouldn't say that those pces were THAT easy to piece together therefore making her an obvious suspect. On the other hand, I missed the episode where she tied him down and threatened to cut him.

I think there is a huge chance we haven't even been introduced to the Carver as of yet...

..maybe it's the gorilla!!!!;)
I'm a bit behind, as I also taped it and just watched it. I thought it was an excellent episode. I don't mind all of the wild stuff. It makes it interesting. My hubby has a fit that I watch the show. He thinks it's a bit much, but I'm addicted. I thought it was much better than last weeks opener. The story line going off in all of those directions made it more exciting. I don't mind them pushing the envelope with how far they can go. I guess I'm sort of twisted.

Yes, Kathryn does bring up an excellent scenario about Kimber. She's a bit wacked out.
the smoking was too much and the ape stroy line silly ill still watch iloved the revenge on matt by the transexuals funny...
Just read this thead today; as I tape the show and just watched it last night. I love the show - it is edgy, creative and smart. The pot smoking was funny I thought. I think all kinds of people smoke pot - even, if not especially, rich people.

I read article in which show creator and writer Ryan Murphey said that he promises the Carver is someone we all know well on the show. He said the Carver identity will be revealed on the last episode this season. Julia is my only guess because she seems so unlikely. Matt seems likely to me b/c he is so whacked. But Kimber - good guess. I can't wait to find out!!

I heard from one of my friends that Matt and Julia are dating in real life, I have no idea if this is true but he does look like M. Jackson I think. They have to do something with his eyebrows -- I think that is a lot of the problem. Christian is so beautiful IMO........

I Love this show I am addicted I can't wait until tonite Christian is very handsome to me also. I think the carver is Matts girlfriend ...Greta show along with rescue me.:)

What time does it come on? You are going to watch Biggest Loser aren't you? How could you miss? I can see you now on your treadmill watching it! I bet you make that thing smoke! LOL!

Strap yourselves in for tonight. It's heating up!!! If last week's show is any indication of what's in store for us, I'm psyched.

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