Nip/Tuck spoiler


What a bizarre episode last night. It was all sex! What was up with Christian and the "ugly" girl? I was getting angry. And I know I've said this before, but someone just needs to smack Matt around A LOT!!! He drives me nuts! I can't believe that Sean and especially Julia let him talk to them the way he does! I KNEW that the Carver got Kimber. That will be interesting! I can't believe that Julia slept with Quinton after finding out about the Military patient!!! This episode reminded me more of the episodes from previous seasons.

What did you all think?

Quentin gives me the creeps, especially when he looks "lustfully" at some guy (like the soldier, or when he and Sean were at the frat party together earlier in the season, getting 'seviced' by some sorority girls. Eeeew!

And Matt: what a complete waste of genetic material!

I must say, I'm now wondering even more who the carver is (it's supposed to be revealed in the season finale).
I was totally creeped out last night. The bag scene was was so icky. Just the shot of her with the bag over her head was so demeaning. I think that they are making Christian really interesting - on one hand you hate him when you see him treating her like that, then you feel sorry for him when his heart is broken by Kimber being gone.

Julia is an idiot - why would Sean lie to her about that? They didn't make a deal out of whether either encounter was "safe" and I think that is going to come back on her. A lot of danger last night between the Carver and the relationships.

My vote for the Carver is Gina. Any other votes?
What if the carver was the father of Matt's new girlfriend?? I can't see it being Gina...maybe Quentin?? I love this show. I feel bad for Christian but then you think he's just such scum. The show is just sooo twisted which is why I love it. But Matt does need to seriously be smacked around.
Maybe the Craver is Gina; but I thought she was in one of the pews next to Julia in the church? So that would rule her out.

I am thinking of Liz or Quentin (he is more obvious but...).

The show is definitely back on track. It was pretty slow in the beginning of the season but I think it is shaping up.

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