Hi All,
I've just found out that I am just over 4 weeks pregnant! DH and I are over the moon - this is our first, so everything is very new and exciting (and a little frightening!).
I've always been a regular exerciser, working out 5-6 days per week. Ever since I found out I was pg I have been worried about using any kind of impact during my workouts. I'm used to giving my all when working out, and love to do the power moves a la Cathe! However, for some reason (and this may sound really silly!) I'm worried that any jumping around will somehow "dislodge" the baby! Is impact safe when you are pregnant? The pregnancy book I have says that jogging and impact is not advisable, but I have read posts and spoken to friends who have carried on using impact until such a time as it no longer felt comfortable to do so. The first trimester is such a delicate time that I am worried about doing anything to jeopardise the safety of the baby. I did PowerMax yesterday and modified everything to low impact on a 6" step but didn't really feel as if I'd had a good workout.
Also, why is it so important not to become overheated? I've seen a couple of posts about keeping your core temperature from getting too high - why is this?
Sorry to ask so many questions - I'm afraid I've slipped into the "mother-to-be-paranoia" and would really appreciate your feedback and advice!
Many thanks in advance.
Today Is The Tomorrow We Worried About Yesterday And All Is Well.
I've just found out that I am just over 4 weeks pregnant! DH and I are over the moon - this is our first, so everything is very new and exciting (and a little frightening!).
I've always been a regular exerciser, working out 5-6 days per week. Ever since I found out I was pg I have been worried about using any kind of impact during my workouts. I'm used to giving my all when working out, and love to do the power moves a la Cathe! However, for some reason (and this may sound really silly!) I'm worried that any jumping around will somehow "dislodge" the baby! Is impact safe when you are pregnant? The pregnancy book I have says that jogging and impact is not advisable, but I have read posts and spoken to friends who have carried on using impact until such a time as it no longer felt comfortable to do so. The first trimester is such a delicate time that I am worried about doing anything to jeopardise the safety of the baby. I did PowerMax yesterday and modified everything to low impact on a 6" step but didn't really feel as if I'd had a good workout.
Also, why is it so important not to become overheated? I've seen a couple of posts about keeping your core temperature from getting too high - why is this?
Sorry to ask so many questions - I'm afraid I've slipped into the "mother-to-be-paranoia" and would really appreciate your feedback and advice!
Many thanks in advance.
Today Is The Tomorrow We Worried About Yesterday And All Is Well.