Newgrips - anyone tried them?


Active Member
Hi all,

I am looking for testimonials for newgrips weightlifting gloves. I have been having such pain in my hands, which I think could be because I am not using a good grip on the dumbbells and barbells.

Have you tried these gloves? Did they alleviate any pain that you were experiencing? If you were disappointed in them, why?

Or would you recommend other gloves that would help alleviate the discomfort?

Thanks so much, everyone. I'm so thankful to have these forums to get good fitness advice.

I've never tried these but they look kinda bizare. I thought I'd chime in because I've complained of palm pain too. Especially when I'm doing chest flies and push ups. This has really bummed me out because I can do the push ups and I can lift the 15-20 dumbells for chest work but I have to stop because of pain in my palm. I saw my Doc and she seems to think possible carpal tunnel syndrome, so when I've gotta do the push ups and chest work I take some IBU and lighten the weights. The perfect push up contraption has really helped with the push ups. Forever I thought I was holding my weights wrong. If you end up seeing a Doc I'd love to know what you find out. I've just had to lighten up the load and I've been strengthening my wrists doing wrist curls.

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