Newbie...officially tryin' to conceive!


Hi all! Just thought I would say hi! I am sooooo excited! My DH and I have officially started trying to conceive this weekend! :+

We were going to wait until July. However, with the long memorial day weekend, and the feelin' of love in the air we said..."what the heck"! I was online lastnight and figured out my most fertile days this month started lastnight!!! So..... wish us luck! If all goes well I will be due 2/17/04 or somewhere around there. Last time we got pregnant the first month in a similar situation. Hopefully it will be as easy this time???? I know I shouldn't get my hopes up in case it takes awhile this time around.

I have been doing Cathe since last fall and have still not lost all my weight x( I gained approx. 45 lbs with my last and am only 5'3" so keeping the wt gain down will be a biggie for me this time! Will definitely need the support of this board to get me thru those Ronald McDonaly cravings! Last time I craved cheeseburgers like mad and I hardly ever eat them when I am not pregnant!

I really wish I would have lost all my wt by now but am not going to put off having another b/c of it!

Well, I will quit boring you with this long rant. Just wanted to introduce myself and say hi! I have been a member of the general Cathe board since I first found Cathe but the preggo area is new to me. I am sure I will have tons of questions on how to best incorporate Cathe with a healthy pregnancy.

I look forward to getting to know all of you and sharing this most special time in our lives!

p.s. I have a 3 year old sweet baby boy!
Pammer....I wouldn't call you a newbie!!! Haven't you been around for quite some time now?????? Praying that you will be blessed with a memorable memorial day and let us know what happens. (I love to be pregnant with someone else so I'm hoping you are for personal reasons.) I think you must be great shape by now as you've had lots of time to get into the intensity series. Don't worry about those last few pounds, kiddo. You sound healthy and strong based on your posts in open forum!

Brie...yes, you are right...guess I kind of misled on the "newbie" reference. What I MEANT was I am a NEWBIE to the PREGNANCY board. I have definitely been around the block on the other CAthe boards.

I am already so excited! It is amazing how quickly a pregnancy takes over your mind. I just can't stop thinking about it. Am I crazy????

Yesterday was my official day of ovulation! I definitely am saying my prayers and have my fingers crossed!

Yes, fitness wise I am in good shape. I just wish I would have lost these last 10-15 lbs! uuuggghhh! I gained almost 50 lbs though with the first so I am determined NOT to gain that much this time. No McDonald's for me!

I am so excited to keep up the weight training and cardio. Last time I was pregnant I never lifted weights so hopefully the weight training will help this time?

Brie-when are you due?
Pammer, no you are not crazy yet.....just wait until your pregnant (that's when I become crazy, BUT I have a very legitimate excuse then ;-) ;-) ;-) ! I'm due December 17th. I gained 60 pounds with the first four babies, but with baby number 5 I went vegan and only gained 32 or so, big difference and no heartburn or other was sooo much fun. I do eat fish and can remotely understand your addiction to McD's although mine comes in the form of a Culver's Norwegian Cod Fillet Sandwich, hold the cheese, (I just had one this afternoon - TO DIE FOR).

It took me 5 times to figure out how to be pregnant and enjoy it. Currently...I'm not sure if I'm enjoying it yet. I still feel yucky and...chubby for some reason. I really haven't gained that much yet, but just enough to feel chubby around the midsection. I'm still zipping my jeans - more out of rebellion to being fat and pregnant.....and it is getting tight.

I'll be praying for a speedy conception....I know what you'll be doing tonight :eek: :eek: :eek: Keep us posted, no details though!!!


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