Newbie Here and to Steps

I have to say after reading some other posts and checking the Cathe site I am a little intimidated to post, but oh well, Im desparate. I have just the Body Fusion video and it has a lot of stuff on there. I am very impressed, however, Im so new to this I dont even know where to start. Ive been doing the first 15 min of the video repeated just because I get lost easy, but I am getting a little bored (no ofense) then I do a bunch of crunches and leg lifts. I only have 5 days a week to work this and very little time, at most 45 min. I realized I wasnt doing any stretching or anything, but I have 53 lbs to lose. I used to be so much healthier, pre marriage and kidos. Is there already a thread on a mix up of using this video? I hope I am not asking too much, I have got to find my body again.

Hi there and welcome! I think that if you post this question in the Video forum you might get more replies. Also, do a search for 'Body Fusion' in all forums, and you might find some good threads.

Just do what you can do, and keep at it. You will learn the steps eventually and feel more confident. Have you tried the Upper Body or Lower Body sculpting portions of Body Fusion? They sound good. Take a look at the Chapters section of the DVD menu to find them.

Good luck, and just keep on keepin' on!
Just wanted to add a link to the 'Official Cathe Beginner Rotation' that is listed in the Rotation forum. It would be very good for a beginner, and would definitely help you start to reach your goals and improve your fitness.

If you are new to working out with me and are fairly new to fitness, I suggest you use the following DVD's along with this posted 3 month fitness program to prepare you for my more advanced workouts.

These workouts are Basic Step and Body Fusion (both on one DVD), Low Impact Step and Total Body Sculpting (both on one DVD), and Total Body Stretching. The equipment used in these beginner DVD's is as follows: 3 to 5 pound handweights, an exercise tube (preferrably with handles), and a stability ball.

Side Note:
After doing the 3 month break in period, I think all other tapes will be more comfortable for you (however, I suggest Cardio and Weights as the next stepping stone). The workouts that you should hold off on for a good few months are all of the Imax workouts (ie: Interval Max, Imax 1, 2 or 3) and any workouts labled using the words "Extreme or Terminator" in its title.

Here is a three month starter workout plan:

Week 1,2 and 3:

Mon: Basic Step plus Lower body hand weight add on (it is one of the workouts on the tape)

Tues: OFF

Wed: Basic Step plus upper body hand weight add on (it is one of the workouts on the tape)

Thurs: One Segment from Total Body Stretching (a good idea to start with the segment that uses no equipment)

Fri: Basic Step plus Abdominal routine add on (it is one of the workouts on the tape)

Sat: Upper AND lower body tubing routine (it is one of the workouts on the tape)

Sun: One segment of Total Body Stretching plus the the abdominal add on from the Basis Step DVD

WEEK 4, 5, and 6

Mon: Body Fusion

Tues: Lower Body add on with hand weight from Basic Step DVD

Wed: Body Fusion

Thurs: The abdominal add on from the Basic Step DVD plus One segment from total Body stretching

Fri: Brisk walk outside for 40 minutes and a segment from Total Body Stretching

Sat: Upper and Lower body add on with tubing plus abdominal segment from Basic Step DVD (they are all on the DVD)

Sun: A segment from Total Body Stretching DVD

Week 7, 8, and 9

Mon: Low Impact Step

Tues: Total Body Sculpting

Wed: Low Impact Step

Thurs: Abdominal Add on from Basic Step DVD plus one stretch segment from Total Body Stretching

Fri: Body Fusion

Sat: OFF

Sun: Total Body Sculpting

Week 10, 11, and 12

Mon: Low Impact Step

Tues: Lower Body Add On with hand weights from Basic Step DVD

Wed: Body Fusion

Thurs: Brisk walk for 40 minutes plus abdominal add on from Basic Step DVD

Fri: Total Body Sculpting

Sat: One segment Total Body Stretching

Sun: OFF

As far as what to eat....

Eat a wide variety of veggies, especially dark leafy green veggies, a wide variety of lean protein sources, a wide variety of complex carbohydrates, and keep all your foods in their more natural form (without cream sauces, or frying, or without swimming in oils). Eat a wide variety of healthy fruits too and be sure that you have citrus sources as well. A daily multi-vitamin is a good idea too.

Good luck and always listen to your body along the way. Gently push harder on energetic days. Strive to maintain your best effort on stressful or "not fully into it" days. Take a day off on days that you have lead legs, fighting a bad cold, feeling mentally or physically run down, or experience an overall sense of "I just can't do this today"
Congratulations on taking the first step!! The only advice I can offer is to stick with it, keep working on the steps and it will click. Once you learn the basics, they are stepping stones to Cathe's other workouts and they will click as well. I read somewhere else here that someone actually recommended using towel on the floor in lieu of the step until you get the steps down so that you are not tripping on it. Keep the remote handy and if you get confused by something, rewind, pause and push your DVD FF button to make it go about 1/2 speed and "walk" your way through it. Once you get that, then speed it up a bit more until you are full speed....and you will be full speed ahead!!!

Just remember to push Play and keep at it!
Thank you all for helping me. *Breathing sign of relief* I really needed some encouragement and that routine link was exactly what I wanted. I will remember to post additional questions in the video forum, and I didnt even think about slowing the DVD down to walk through the steps!!!

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