New Years Challenge - November 11


Good morning all!! I read your posts from yesterday, but thought I should start the thread for a new day!!!

I'm really excited......I've been doing great all week on Core. I still am having a problem with getting exercise in, but that is my goal for the rest of the week!! The weigh in is on Monday!! I hope I do well.

I can't remember who....but somebody had a weigh in last night. How did you do?

Hope everybody everybody has a great and successful day!!!


Kim, I'm with you, having trouble fitting in exercise. I wake up early hoping to do it but always think of the millions of things needing attention and do them, hoping I'll exercise at night. Get home and am too tired and still have 1/2 a million things to do. Hope tonight to do ME or Power Hour, but won't get home til after 7:00. We'll see!

Hope everyone has a fabulous Thursday!
Hi everyone!

I had WI this morning and I am down 3 lbs, so I have lost 4.5 lbs since we started. I'm going to a tailgate party this weekend so I hope I don't screw up all of my efforts. Yesterday I was out of town on business so I didn't have time to work out and today I am very tired with my sinus headache still lingering on, so I don't know if I will get a work out in. I think my body is telling me to rest. I'll just concentrate on eating well.

Hope everyone has a great day!

This morning I did HST Gym workout #4 plus I'll do some cardio and abs this evening. I'm thinking of a nice lighter step workout like Simply Step or I may dust off Kari Anderson's Fitness Formula or KS Great Thighs step workout. :)

Good luck on Monday, Kim. I hear you on the time, too...I usually have to get up at 5:00 am to fit it all in. :) Good for you, Anne!

Kathy G
Just out of curiosity, what are everybody's goals for New Years? I have an ultimate goal to lose 60 - 65 lbs., but just started weight watchers a little over a week ago, so my goal for New Years is my 10%, which is 21 lbs. I also have a goal to be defined, but I guess I will not get there unless I start making exercise more of a habit!! One thing, and one day at a time (as my motto says!!). I will be 40 years old in March of '06, so my ULTIMATE, ULTIMATE goal is to look alot better and feel alot better, and have a better life in my 40's than what my 30's have been. I'm looking forward to the 40's!! ;-)

Hi everybody,

Anne-congrats on your weight loss, that is great.

My weigh in day was this morning. I lost one pound and I am happy with that. I went for a jog this morning. I jogged 18 minutes, then I power walked, ran sporadically for another 20 minutes. My glutes were hurting because of Cathe yesterday. I felt good that I did get some cardio in though. Tonight I am going to a carnival so I need lots of strength not to eat junk.

Kimmie-I think my most realistic goal is to not gain over the holidays. My perfect world goal is to lose 10 lbs. by New Years. I have lost 7.5 so far. If I could lose 10 more by New Years that would be awesome. And of course my goal is to keep exercising consistently. Sometimes I tell myself, this is sooo hard. Sometimes I ask myself "why do I run or lift these weights" It is uncomfortable and I want instant results, I am impatient. I have been consistent since May so maybe I am turning over a new leaf.

my goals are:

1. lose 10 lbs. by Jan 1 by staying on WW program
2. Workout at least 4 times per week

Have a great day,
Hi Ladies.....I got up early and did Imax 2, WOW!!!!!! I haven't done that one in awhile, and it wiped me right out!!! Then I went Christmas shopping, grocery shopping, made dinner, I am tired. I missed my weigh in this week, but I haven't weighed myself at home in about 2 weeks, so I may jump on the scale tomorrow and see what that one says.

My goals for New Year:
I would also like to be down 10 lbs. from when I started Core at the end of August. My first month was not very good, I counted activity points, and my weigh ins were dismal. They have been much better since 3 weeks ago, I quit counting activity points, and only use my 35 WPA.

See you tomorrow!!!!!!
Lori S.
Lori S,

Glad you mentioned activity points. Is it supposed to be true that if you use all your activity points and Flex points, you'll still lose (even if not as fast?). I had 6 flex points left last week and 10-15 activity points leftover. I was wondering about it.

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