NEW Updated Rotations Offer


Well, folks, someone has bumped my old April 2001 "A Rotations Offer" thread back to the top and as a result I've gotten another little burst of requests for my Rotations compilation document.

Since originally sending my compilation out earlier this year, I've expanded it to two volumes, and I've also saved a glossary (courtesy of Video Fitness' website) of the FIRM's ever-changing video names. Some of you already have all three documents, but Volume II has continued to grow.

So I've got a NEW OFFER for all of you in our "educated crowd":

FIRST -- if you've got a new idea for a rotation, please post it here. I'm going to see what turns up here for a few days and then will update Volume II before I send it out. I will start Volume III for us with the new tapes :)-jumpy), so Volume II will close out with this mailing.

I've gotten some inquiries from Forum members interested in rotations using treadmill, recumbent bike, Nordic Track, power walking, running and stairmaster. I have one treadmill workout from Cathe (71 minutes, pretty advanced) and one recumbent bike interval training workout from Cathe (intermediate). If any of you have ideas for using these variations on cardio in rotations, please let me know. Other inquiries I've gotten -- "push-pull" strength training rotations, more rotations utilizing CIA tapes and more yoga/Pilates-style rotations. Ideas, anyone?

SECOND -- if you want the Rotations documents (whether or not you've gotten them before, I'll be happy to re-send them in their updated versions) please DON'T POST A REQUEST HERE. Send your request to me at my home e-mail. The e-mail address there is: [email protected]

I want to work it that way because I'm going to let e-mail requests "batch up" and I'll send out responses when I've gotten a chunk of maybe 10 or 15 to respond to, so it may take me a day or so. Please be patient -- if you e-mail me it will come, I promise. :)

Thanks everyone -- looking forward to some new ideas!

And I don't know about you guys, but I can't WAIT to start putting together our new Volume III! :7

Kathy S.
Cathe/Firm/Tae Bo

Here's a rotation I'm currently trying - sorry, can't post what the "results" might be yet as I'm only a few weeks into it but I wanted to create something that incorporated Cathe, The Firm and Tae Bo so I'm trying this:

Week 1 - CTX week
Cathe CTX - one a day with Sunday as a rest day

Week 2 - Tae Bo
Monday: Tae Bo Advanced Live
Tuesday: Tae Bo Get Ripped
Wednesday: Treadmill or elliptical machine
Thursday: rest
Friday: Tae Bo AL
Saturday: Tae Bo Get Ripped
Sunday: rest

Week 3 - The Firm Classics
Monday: Volume 1
Tuesday: Volume 4
Wednesday: Volume 3
Thursday: rest
Friday: Volume 2
Saturday: Volume 5
Sunday: Volume 6

Week 4: Cardio week
Monday: rest
Tuesday: Cathe Cardio Kicks
Wednesday: treadmill 40 mins, Cathe PS BBA
Thursday: rest
Friday: Cathe Mega Step Blast
Saturday: The Firm Fat Blaster, The Firm Upper Body
Sunday: rest

Week 5 - CTX week

Week 6: Tae Bo (same as Week 2)

Week 7: The Firm Classics

Week 8: Cardio
Monday: rest
Tuesday: Cathe MIC
Wednesday: The Firm Hare
Thursday: Cathe Interval Max
Friday: rest
Saturday: Treadmill 40 minutes, the Firm Upper Body Split
Sunday: rest

Week 9: CTX

Week 10 - Tae Bo

Week 11: The Firm Classics

Week 12: Cardio
Monday: rest
Tuesday: Cathe Step Heat
Wednesday: The Firm Boot Camp 3 in 1
Thursday: Cathe Circuit Max
Friday: rest
Saturday: Cardio Kicks
Sunday: Firm Power Cardio

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