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Hi everyone! I just found this message board and I was thrilled! It's great to see so many moms, or moms-to-be, that are interested in fitness. I am 30 weeks right now with my first child. I've been working out pretty much since high school, and I've been exercising through this pregnancy (not as intense, though). My concern is postpartum - will I be able to return to my pre-pregnancy fitness level? And how do you find the time with a baby?
I can't wait until the birth of my son; I just want to be able to keep up with him when he starts walking!
Hi Melissa!

Just wanted to say Hi & WELCOME!!! Sooo good to "see" you here! YES, you will definitely be able to come back to your normal fitness level later. It will take some time and more energy after running after that lil' one! (Congrats by the way! :7) I am 49 and a Grandma now and I workout at a level higher then I ever have my whole life. I teach aerobics, but ever since I found Cathe's tapes, it has kicked my endurance level up another notch! So glad to hear that you feel well enough to workout during your pregnancy. Good for you! Keep up the good work and keep us posted!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Hi Melissa! Congratulations and welcome to the pregnancy forum. Your first baby at 30 weeks, how exciting. Your coming down home stretch now. I'm just about at the same point in my pregnancy but with baby #2(another boy). After my first, I was a bit overwhelmed (but loved every minute of it) with all the new responsibilities of mommy-hood. Depending on a few factors, such as how much help you have from friends and family or whether you are recovering from a C-section will influence just how soon you are able to fully get back to your pre-pregnancy fitness level. But nonetheless, it does come back pretty quickly all circumstances considered. You just have to ease back into it carefully since the hormone relaxin (which softens your joints and ligaments) is still present in your system for a bit afterwards. Also, you will no doubt be very busy when the baby first arrives and probably too tired to even feel like exercising, but within a few weeks, you will start to get more comfortable with the transition into mommy-hood and find more time to fit your workouts in. Good luck and keep us posted with your developments. Take Care!

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